
See @Gemmabeta’s great response for statistics. This vaccine is tried and true. It was approved almost 10 years ago. It covers all the strains most likely to turn into cancer. HPV is very diverse— some strands cause cancer and some cause cold sores, etc. The vaccine focuses on the dangerous ones.

Those BigPharmaDollarz (tm) do not earn themselves.

I remember that there was so much controversy in the UK about the HPV vaccine.

Between sips of his Mimosa, Eisenberg’s eyes widened. He waved for his personal masseuse to stay her hand. It was then that he realized the many ways his penthouse suite at ComicCon was not unlike the attic of the Anne Frank House.

Helpful hint: When to use the word “genocide”? When describing an atrocity that has affected/decimated an entire population. Not when your damn self felt discomfort.

This isn’t being stalked at your house or at the delivery ward or even while buying groceries. Frankly, Jesse, the tabloids aren’t all that interested in your personal life. The thing you are complaining about is a public appearance that you knew would be part of your job when you signed your contract to be in Batman

I guess they probably felt they wanted to make some sort of broader point or comment on society at the time and such topics, but I think (I didn’t see it, but just going from the explanation they gave) this was not the best way to do that. There’s a difference between using fictional characters as a basis for

This is a film about a real person, about whom there is no evidence that he raped anyone, and the makers of the biopic have inserted a complete fabrication into this which viewers might now believe is true.

So, just assert that a historical figure was a rapist because it “felt very right” contextually? Good grief.

Two great books on Pluto for Astrology-freaks and anyone else who wants to indulge the mytho-poetic perspective:

Because if you work for someone for 30 or 40 years, OBVIOUSLY there’s going to be some butt clenching rape. It just feels right!

It’s a plea to be recognized as a planet.

No, this is just stupid pandering, an attempt to scapegoat the statute of limitations for her retarded beliefs.

I’m with you. If we shit on people who take time to educate themselves on issues and see the light, no one on the opposing side will ever want to admit they were wrong, or that they have changed their mind on an issue

Oh Sinead, nothing compares to you.

But she is not stupid—everyone was clear about the statute being already run out when the majority of victims added their name to the growing tally.

You know, I don’t get paid for work I did in the 80s?

Meh, they made their dough on the first run. I doubt they get much for syndicated rights (not the creators of the show and Cosby himself) and besides, they’ve been milking that cow for 30 years.

It’s true, people overlook this part. Your friend, of many years, who you know super well, over the word of a complete stranger (well, a lot of strangers). I’m not sure I would personally believe it at first either. It takes a big person to admit they wrong about something, even if they are slower than the rest