
I can see how you’d think that, but I gave it a chance. I make it a point to play these things (except DA:I, I’m told its good but haven’t gotten to it yet). Andromeda I spent a good week on.

Yep. It kinda felt like they just started to half-ass things around the halfway point of the game or so. Like once you finished with Tuchanka and Rannoch, things just stopped being awesome and just became kinda mediocre.

To be fair, a lot of people loved the co-op

Why ban cheaters in a single player/co-op game? What harm are they causing if they are sequestered away and can’t throw off the difficulty balance of non-cheaters?

It’s because the game isn’t run on servers, at least it doesn’t sound like it. Usually multiplayer games like this (and Borderlands, Valheim, 7 Days to Die, etc) have one person host for the other players. That makes it relatively easy to make the sort of changes in that list.

Exhibit A: the absolutist mantra I mentioned.

That’s what the preorder advice started as, before absolutists abused it into the slogan it’s become today. Not “never preorder” but “think before you preorder”. If you trust the company, are confident you’ll like the game, and you’re going to buy it anyway, it’s a net benefit for you to preorder and get the bonuses

this is horseshit and you know it. They shill crap, they post counter articles from each other. One minute a company is evil because it has a chinese publisher, but the next a game made in china is the best game ever even though it has a chinese publisher.

Why wouldn’t you if you want a physical copy, like the dev and their game, don’t want to buy the addon stuff to one day have to buy the game later?

This article feels kind of gross. Like, I get the whole angle of helping people save money or w/e, but I feel like going “You should not buy this game (which we think is kinda fun!) because it’s on a streaming service.” is one of the actual boogeymen scenarios that streaming cynics point out. 

Also historically, they only had ONE weekend editor for each blog and in the pre-union days they would outsource and have “guest” editors for the weekends (Which is how James Whitbrook started out over on io9).

thanks! I’m the weekend editor so on weekends it mostly just me and sometimes some blogs from others that I run. 

The past six months (or more) have been a whirlwind of shit news, terrible events, and moments of pure absurdity and

The best game to ruin your relationship is Escape from Tarkov, because you will be both unavailable to dozens of hours a week and also very angry when you are available.

I’ve read about thirty comments here and not one person has prefaced their sentiments with them stating they had never played the game. Perhaps at other sites that’s a problem but I’ve never noticed it as a recurring, detrimental problem here unless it’s happening in the Greys, which I don’t read or give any merit to.

You get to define unplayable for yourself. You don’t get to define it for other people. It may be true that it is playable for you. For other people it is indeed unplayable in that they don’t want to play it not that if they really work at it, read guides on how to optimize settings and put up with the crashes and

Thats great to hear, but I found the game to be incredibly underwhelming. Most of the side missions were incredibly repetitive, “hi, go kill that person in the building you just walked by,” and I found the characters to be completely non entities in person building.

If there is something newsworthy in the leaked material, it should be reported. This isn’t a sex tape we’re talking about here, or information shared under an embargo.

Exactly. Bunch of Melvin fucks in this comment section peddling this garbage. They have to cover and they haven’t. Cuban even said that during the AMA. They HAVE TO or risk going out of business. They will not allow that to happen.

That's the joke (.jpg)