
No. No he doesn’t. He made a bold claim saying that the tweet was somehow competing with something that happened years ago. That’s a big reach, and I really can’t see ANY argument that a tongue-in-cheek pair of images and a one sentence caption reeks of desperation. I also think that the tweet took all of about twenty

I mean they already do have that moment. If they wanted to dunk they would just do it on a “how to know if you will get a next gen upgrade for free”. This was just fun, and I think people are really reaching if they think MS thought this was the same level of gotcha as the how to share games moment.

This. I don’t understand why people bother taking sides in these console war vibes. Both multibillion dollar companies have done several shitty things, made misteps, etc etc. Truly none is a paragon worthy of being looked at in a better light than the other.

Meh. I thought it was good fun and not cringey in the slightest. This is the kind of playful content I would enjoy from big brands. 

It was cringe-y, not because anyone should care about giant corporate brands taking swipes at one another on social media, but because of how much it reeked of desperation to manufacture something like the infamous

It was Xbox UK. Literally one community manager running one social media account made a joke and was forced to delete it. Why is everybody acting like Microsoft made this part of their official marketing strategy?

The products ofthese multibillion dollar corporations are very serious business we should all take very seriously like the very serious adults we very seriously are y’all.

I’d also been pointed in the direction of several different people who could potentially vacuum the brain worms out of my head, each of whom were directly or indirectly tied to different characters in my party. I barely knew any of my party members and was given no time to get to know them individually. Every time I

that mining mechanic is insane. The fact that you have to keep track of your materials, and non-Omega stages affect the type of stuff you can get will be crazy to watch in tournaments.

What an insane amount of attention to detail. The move set is complex enough that they could have built an entire game around it.

I mean, you wanna go a little further, when kirby eats steve on the minecraft stage in smash there’s minecraft in nintendo in minecraft in nintendo.

@ n00b f00



The worst thing is, it doesn’t even look better or more expressive!

At 0:42 the original looks impressed, but concerned. The new one is just a baby faced wax doll.

The original peter face is just much more believable as a mentor to Miles.
This new version isn’t even believably reacting to the scene with Otto. 

I really hated his stupid hair in the original, but I liked his model, because he looked older, which is what it’s supposed to convey. He’d already been through some shit both as Peter and Spider-Man, and had the newspaper clippings, and MJ convos to convey that. This new model really looks like comic/cartoon Pete,

I’m not gonna pass judgement until I see new Peter emote. The old face, while a little bug-eyed and “unrealistic” according to some people, was pretty damn emotive, especially during his more emotional scenes.

It’ll learn your usage over time to predict when you need it to charge to 100%.