She has the wrong skin color for a harsher sentence.
She has the wrong skin color for a harsher sentence.
Sounds like a candidate for Trump’s cabinet
My dog likes watching TV. He’s sort of “different” though.
She can sense on some level he is a normal and will not partake in her narcissistic bullshit. He will not play into her dysfunction ergo he is dangerous
A good friend requested 4 tickets a few weeks ago from the lottery run by our congressman and was selected. He has no intention of going and despises Trump.
I understand the urge to pathologize Trump as crazy and in many ways he obviously lacks any and all empathy or human-ness as we might comprehend, but I believe strongly these tweets and this desire for fracture is intentional. Sarah Kendzior: may be the only journalist I can name that consistently named that what…
I don’t know what the context of this photo is, but I remember doing an archaeological dig once and wearing ochre on my face out of respect for and to make myself visible to the ancestors of the local first nation and thinking that someone might misconstrue my pictures after the fact. I looked....a lot like this. But…
I clicked on this because I just had to see how her veganism was relevant.
Ehhh I felt the same way until I realized that yes you can get all of your protein needs from plants. Animals are the lazy person’s way out for protein. Some people are literally bloodthirsty. Disgusting.
i am so fucking sick of people defending rapists and whining about the severity of the proposed punishment. BEING RAPED is a life-changing event, AND one the victim did not choose. RAPING someone IS something the perpetrator chose to do, so THEY should face the consequences. UGGGHHHHH
I read way too many of these (up until “foxhead garlands”) before realizing this was satire.
Jeebus, when are these dumbass fuckers going to realize that freely available contraceptives is an amazing way to prevent abortions?
Bitch, please. Kate Beckinsale and Michael Sheen have been the public ideal for divorced but still on good terms and co-parenting couple since 2003.
Fun Fact: In France, after the Revolution, people would throw guillotine parties and if you had a relative or loved one who was executed by the guillotine you would come dressed to the nines and wear a red ribbon tied around your neck. Presumably to represent the bloody removal of your loved one’s head. I imagine…
Yes it is Jill Stein and her voters’ fault and not ALL YOUR RACIST, SCARED NEIGHBORS VOTING FOR DONALD
Not to mention it doesn’t actually treat chronic pain. The preponderance of medical evidence suggests strong painkillers like that are good only in short term situations. I remember seeing studies that said it actually makes pain worse for people with chronic pain.
I think w was a terrible president but I don’t think he was a bad man. I think he was a rich, party boy way over his head surrounded by the axis of evil. If he owned like a car dealership I could see him bringing his employees doughnuts on Fridays. Donald is a fundamentally bad person. I seriously don’t think he was…
The definition of a Republican is someone who campaigns on the premise that government doesn’t work and once elected sets about proving it.