
The article mocked Schefter’s notion that “Politics is not a normal day-to-day topic of discussion and reporting.”

This is a cool story. Good for this guy.

Crap I have to buy a new keyboard to replace my now deceased keyboard that died with spit and coffee.......

Lionel Messisson

You work for Southwest, don’t you.

This post is why the rest of the world hates us

It’s really Maradona’s fault. He was the perfect folk hero: born into poverty, spent 6 years as a pro in Argentina (because European scouting wasn’t what it is now) and pretty much singlehandedly led Argentina to a World Cup (it helped that the sport’s superpowers were in decline then). Even his faults (alcohol and

Going for the easy burn. Weak.

To quote her in full, she said “shut the fuck up, nobody gives a shit about lady sports”

Who cares? She's a woman.

It’s the Murica mindset, whether you are fat or an athelete. Bigger cars and homes or tougher and longer races. I don’t feel sorry for anyone that dies doing this and neither should you. To each his own.

Damn, Trump knew how to play baseball the right way.

I admit when I make mistakes. Every day.

He will live forever.

ah fuck.

Given how skeptical even casual fans have gotten, here’s another dirty scam these bottom feeders use. Touts/outfits will use a method where they pitch BOTH sides of a game to their new bettors. Sound crazy? Stay with me... Touts get phone numbers for thousands of bettors that hear about a “Free Pick” via radio or TV

I give you permission to go tell him that he wasn’t invited...


Reader John is a dick. Why harass some overworked minimum wage grunts who get disrespected and shat on every day by the public ? Where's the big victory in fucking with the underdog? 'Aw ho ho I got you good, you fuckers!' This is bullying. It sounds like a great prank to the other middle class white collar fatcats

No, you didn't miss "something", you missed "everything".