
A living the good life model

He’ will be asked to sing again.

....and now you know why Republicans are against unions.

Also, just hire private security


How about a mule.

You make it sound like he did it on purpose. He didn’t. I think he knows he fucked up.

Well, he did!

One is definitely better than the other.

Great article. Tim played basketball the right way and retired the right way too.

What a cool guy. He played basketball the right way and retired the right way. No regrets

Did Rauner “con” you into making IL broke?

The cubs lost their 35th game and are catching up

Whoever said this was the magic number is dead wrong.

This happens all the time. DUI driver thinks “I’ll just say a couple of drinks, I can’t lie that much”. If you tell a cop that you drink even one beer, you are out doing sobriety tests. The point is, deny, deny, deny or remain silent even if you know you’re fucked up.

Everyone knows those incest videos are not real.

Those are some sweet ass black and white Pumas in that one photo

This wasn’t in America

And all is right with the world.

Jordan never did.