
Great so 150 on this and all the cash for the new Rock Band Controllers I’m going to have to make my wife work overtime.

@eug.o: Did you guys get the new N64 yet? That thing is great.

I sail all over the pacific ocean and have used sat uplinks for years now and I have a sat phone I use in the Berring Sea hooked to my laptop to get weather reports and shop on Amazon and Magically stream web cam video in real time.

So I am watching Star Gate Universe and that ship can fly right through a sun what’s up with that.

How cheap are we talking, because I could sure use an ok fighter jet, I will even pay extra for a functioning ejection seat.

I just got my mom a laptop she's 73 and I never knew she could type as fast as she can. Now my 8 year old is teaching my Mom how to use a computer it works out great and she likes the facebook.

@NotChoinski: Segrgation, That's how we did it in the day and now look how things have gone down hill

@McMike: OOOhhh hot boobies sagin to the floor.

@NickFoote: Look out your bestfriend could be your new dad.

@stan-the-man: He tipped over some lightly stacked bricks

Well it worked kinda but the only 3D glasses I could find were from a Barbie movie.

@DustyButt: I know I have been doing the same thing.

Thank goodness for that my BP stock is going to shit. Such a waste of oil.

I really don’t get this. In my family we are sporting 8 iPhone 4’s and there’s not a problem with any of them they make calls and do all the stuff they are suppose to. I like my Evo better but that’s just me.

Hi everyone it’s me Steve Jobs

We have several dell laptops in my house and one POS ABS and the Dells have never had any problems what so ever.

This just might be the phone that tears me away from my RAZR