
Wow a lot of hate for Farmville. I don't play it but every non gamer in my office does, most of them are women 30's to 50's and they go home at lunch to play farmville. I think the guy was talking more about casual gamers and this blog is filled with hardcore gamers. I don't want to waste time on farmville when I

It looks like crap, especially in that nice room. They should have displayed it in a hobo’s box/home under the bridge because that’s where it belongs.

Is that where they grow those square watermellons?

Everything in your pictures and everything you’re talking about is what I imagine the apartment of a douche bag, hipster would have in it. He would bring over girls and boys talking about how hip is radio was unlike those main stream radio’s that everyone else buys, then maybe recite some bad poetry about the angst

Is it this?

These cars don’t make sense, to small, expensive, very short range and require 16 hours to charge if you do it safe. The fast chargers will kill the batteries in a very short amount of time. They are all gimmick.

@phantomfly: If she crashed her car and was badly injured because she didn’t wear her seat belt would you blame her or the car?

They are marketing this wrong it should have a little cam and a button that you could spray solicitors when they are outside your door, as a security device it’s stupid but as a way to f with people it’s not so bad except its $600.00 and that is stupid no matter which way you slice it.

@Ну, погоди!: You could still post your pictures, for professional reasons so we, the experts, can make a determination if your Russian spy material. "See above pic’s for examples".

Come on not all mail order brides are Russian Spies, but I would like to give her a little military hardware, if you know what I mean, but by little I mean big like a howitzer.

@hmmcolor: "His name is a killing word and he who controls the spice controls the universe. Does Mars have spice?

There are a lot of preflight checks and driving around on non computer generated roads, gravel and potholes and who know what to run over with your wings, tail and prop getting knocked around I just can’t see this as ever being more than a concept.

@Ninja_peach: You can use software to turn the ebook into an audio book but only if the DMR is riped away. The program reads the texts, I do this for text books so I can listen to them on my ride.

This is dumb and half hearted efforts to try and fix something that cant be fixed is worse than doing nothing at all. It hell for these people that's the road you were talking about.

Find the crater, comb the desert.

"The gates of hell are open, night and day Smooth the descent, and easy the way."

This is an example of why our current government is not only stupid but weak and irrational and does its governing and fact checking with a magic 8 ball and some stupid hacks that try to pass for media and what is really sad is that everybody clapped and cheered when she gave the racist example before she got to her