
All the Football fields do this in America as do a lot of the baseball fields.

@Son-of-MonsterChalk: So in Texas you shit Hot shit does it hurt? Or does your shit just generate heat and humidity, because if it does Texas could be powered by shit.

@mecha2142: Because if the US looses it will be BP's fault.

I have an idea why don't the cops spend time on doing something worth while and not care about two pot head who probably work, pay taxes and contribute to society. So they want to trade for an Ipad for some weed let them. So the cops spent time and money to arrest two guy because it was easy and they new it would

This kicks ass

Well now somebody is a Star Trek fanboy now aren't they Mr. Know-it-all I don't have any friends and I love Star Trek and got beat up by the Much Cooler StarWars kids GE Engineer

@bornonbord: Your right, go put all your stuff, everything in your car and burn, then go on a burning rampage it do it do it now.

@Wade McGillis: Jump ropes make people breath harder and that creates more carbon emissions and that KILLS BABY SEALS and the planet. We should burn all Jump ropes but then we would create more carbon emissions, you may have just found the cause of all our problems and there is nothing we can do about it. Thank you

What they like birds more that turtles. I happen to like the turtles and I didn't see one turtle bath.

@ploopsy: I Know those son’s of mother less goats, I actually live in a cave make everything I have out of materials discarded by mother nature.

Why should we donate money, shouldn’t BP be financially supporting the cleanup effort?

@acidrain69: I know, RIGHT, I saw a Dirty Republican swim down and break the oil line and THEN set the rig on fire, club a baby seal while melting the ice caps and Bush was giving them a ride on his giant fishing Ship. We all know that this is because of a political party and not because the Company leasing the rig

My god, seeing that many turtle necks trying to stamped overweight spandex clad walmarters. Now that’s the clash of the titans.

What really scares me is that Homeland Security appears to hire only witless morons with anti social personalities with unlimited power that are above the law.

It looks cold.

I was a combat diver in the Marine Corps and obtained my Jump Wings and out of the two diving was the best you will see the most amazing things. You should also jump out of an airplane.

@TheAlp: to a Hells Angles rally.

@norillim: Your right if we were all socialist or communist we wouldn't have brains to damage or need to worry about what we bought because the government would just issue it to us.

So is this the speed of dark?

I hope she makes it and if she did lose her boat she should try again.