
My requirements/deal breakers changed as I aged. In my teens, I just wanted a good kisser who had a car, could manage to obtain Boone’s Farm, and was at least a top placer in local surfing competitions. In my 20s, I wanted a guy with a decent job, who worked out and understood my workout schedule, who had a big dick

Let’s be fair here. I studied archaeology in school and have worked on several digs, so I am coming from a place of some knowledge. And I’m afraid that I have to agree that having an all-female team *had* to have been a publicity stunt of some sort, and does in fact lead to some questions about the validity of their

I suggest he volunteers for a new space program I’ve just now decided to fund, where we tie him to a rocket, and then send it to the fucking sun.

I was having a “discussion” with someone about sending astronauts to mars. He stated the first team should be all male, to prevent “space babies”.

I’m with you so much. Can we all just agree that this whole genre of “men suck at domestic things” is just fucking awful. Like, I am a man. I also like to make sure the kitchen is reasonably clean, and years of living without a dishwasher means I’m 100% okay with washing dishes on my own.

I’m sorry this is such a late reply! I’m doing all right, I really haven’t been around in a while =( mostly had to stop kinja’ing at work and that ended up being most of when I spent my time here! How have you been?

What 26-year-old man other than a sexual abuser and/or rapist would be even remotely interested in a 14-year-old child? That’s something I will never understand.

welp, never going to be sexually aroused ever again.

Try to imagine this man having sex. Go ahead. Try it.

“I never understood white people who like touching people’s hair.” There - I fixed it.

As a white girl that sounds a lot like a white girl wasted moment to me.

Damn it Taylor. I was all impressed with your sincere apology to Nicki and now you’re PETTING BLACK PEOPLE?! And JOKING ABOUT IT?!? (Granted it sounds like the petting was before the Nicki thing but still.) Don’t fucking pet people. WTF is wrong with you?!

Sounds like something one does when they’re high as fuck, not just “gone off a few drinks”.

She’s not a heartless, child-kicking racist. She’s a heartless, child-kicking, LITIGIOUS racist. Duh.

lol because there’s definitely never been anything shady in yellow cabs

Yeaaaah...all that licensing and regulating didn’t stop a cab driver from raping, murdering and dumping the body of woman in an abandoned construction site in SOMA.

But what I mean is, say a guy who operates a Yellow Cab in, I don’t know, Peoria rapes a passenger. She reports it to the local police, he loses his license, it gets handled however it’s handled. That doesn’t stop anyone from getting a Yellow Cab in, I don’t know, Nashville. But if a woman gets raped inside an Uber,

The company already has a relatively lengthy history of drivers attacking and threatening female passengers.

Cab drivers can be scary and rude, too. Since she was able to communicate by phone first, she saved herself being in a car with that man. I choose services like Uber because I can share/receive info easier with my friends and the driver so if anything did go wrong I have more avenues of communication than I do hopping