
That’s a very creepy Obama gif, in this context.

I’m constantly tripping over the low bar for men.

Seriously. This guy makes men who send unsolicited dick pics seem like Nicholas Sparks.

we want them to find their identity in God and in Christ

I know it is sort of funny to reply to these creeps, but please be careful Anna! Report any specific threats, ok bubbeleh? — Your Jewish Mother in California

I’m a feminist who is constantly talking about the patriarchy and sexist ideas of acceptable femininity. . . but this would piss me right off.

My 14 year old self would be like ‘ eff this shit. Jesus isn’t gonna squeeze these pimples’

Or, I don’t know, making sure you put yourself back together after peeing and your dress isn’t sticking in the back of your underwear.

It reminded me of my underwear.

Cuz girls are always checking themselves in mirrors to make sure their hair and makeup is perfect, and never to make sure they don’t have a piece of food stuck in their teeth from lunch.

He didn’t like my response : (

I like you Anna, does that help any? Here’s a pic of me irl:

You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.

The thing the media needs to understand is that everytime you “expose” Donald Trump and his supporters for being racist and sexist, his support base only gets larger. People aren’t supporting him in spite of his racism, they’re supporting him because of it. The fact that much of the criticism of Trump is coming from

Do you acknowledge that a definite pattern of specific behavior exists among a definitely specific ethnic group called Jews?

“Jewess”. So much hatred in one word.

I laughed so hard reading this I choked on the sandwich I was eating. I did not die, but when I do, please deliver my eulogy. As my sex worker. Thank you.

You’re Amy Schumer and this is from a new movie, right?

right? two good people being good people at each other’s faces.