I read this as “hate lick”.
I read this as “hate lick”.
You’re one of those monsters who keeps the thermostat at 80, aren’t you?
77 seems a little low? Might be incompatible with life.
Yes. Becase when men don’t smile, it’s just the way their damn face looks. Women? Let’s slap a bitch label on that bitch, because how dare she not smile? Bitch.
I’m such an OLD and I just don’t GET any of these new “words” the Youths are making up. Fleek? Basic? Ugh, remember when English used to be classy?! UGH
I’m sorry but language is a fixed point that peaked in England circa late 1800’s and should never be changed.
I like it because it’s a “don’t mess with me” look and goes against the “girls are supposed to smile” all the time expectation.
As someone who has chronic resting bitch face, it’s nice to know it’s attractive to someone, because when I try to correct it, I look like Goldie Hawn having a manic episode....
It’s bound to happen, irregardless of how you feel.
The day that the Oxford Dictionaries release their new additions is MY FAVOURITE DAY OF THE YEAR. Oh my god you guys, it is THE BEST. It’s like word-nerd Christmas only so so so so much better because you get to watch the spasms of outraged sphincter-clenching from people losing their tiny minds over the fact that…
We could just combine the Urban and Oxford dictionaries and call it a day.
Another reason I hate tipping systems - because it makes customers feel entitled to the server being their personal performing monkey. They tip you, you sing and dance and do whatever they want for them. Fuck. All. That. Shit.
People were commenting on break.com’s version of the article with the phrase “TIPS: To insure prompt service”. Butchering of the English language aside, what the hell? Like servers and waiters have control over how long it takes the kitchen to make things.
I had an experience very similar to this back when I was waiting tables. I apologized profusely to the table for the delay and we comped quite a bit of their check, but they still left me zero on over a hundred dollar bill. And complained I wasn’t happy and enthusiastic about serving them. My mother had recently been…
See, I disagree. Knowing that you don’t have to worry about what happens after death has given me, and many others, a freedom from fear of failure.
I do like that anyone who objects to infidelity was preemptively called a “hater,” though. Stay classy, Tracy.
Except give him a fake nuke code that Will trigger fireworks that spell YOU’RE FIRED.