I mean, you are literally a model sometimes, but I hear what you’re saying!
I mean, you are literally a model sometimes, but I hear what you’re saying!
I think this may work for a photo shoot or something like that, but not if you plan to function like a normal human being that can use her mouth.
Oh my god. He is my parents’ age, but he is so hot. This doesn’t register right with my brain.
I am trying to understand, but alas all these royal baby name unspoken rules elude me to no end. Why would there be a shitstorm if the girl was named Diana? :/
I dunno guys, I’ve never been religious, but Satanism is sounding better and better. :/
LOL, well I know a lot of nice dudes, but I’ve met some bad apples too, mostly I don’t get why they think it’s their business to judge and scoff at my pictures. Instead they could just unfollow/unfriend me, we’re probably better off without each other anyway!
This really should be law! So many dudes have commented negatively on my pics and when I retorted that they should be showing their faces off too if they dare to criticize, they backed off saying “but you put your pics online! you are asking to be judged” nope, nope I am not.
I had no idea Cobie Smulders had to battle cancer, especially so young. My heart goes out to her. Hearing about this seriously makes me want to get a check-up.
I abso-fucking-lutely love this. Love this.
I’m not a native English speaker and I had no idea what a jock strap was, so I went straight to Google Images... LOL, thanks for that.
Not so much a burn as it was a glorious moment for my middle finger. A friend and I were walking down the street, chatting. A guy who was sitting in a parked car rolled his window down as we were walking and he started telling my friend all the creepy stuff you know (“oh baby u so hott I wanna do you” etc). Without…
How can one not like this?! How can one not enjoy this ridiculousness and silliness?! Stars, they’re just like us.
I also make pizza at home all the time! I make my own dough, it’s really easy. I’ll write you the recipe I use, maybe you’d like to try it sometime! :) By the way, sorry I only know metric :/
I like pizza. That is the only food group I will ever need.
How did you know?!
Also the baby wasn’t white/he belonged to a minority, so.. yeah. #racism