Oh sorry, didn’t see your reply! After I commented here I googled your username and ended up on that post (in your link) and I read everything, including the comments, and I am - well - flabbergasted.
Yeah, "we're all for supporting women bla di blah, just wait a sec till we're irrationally hating on this particular woman for a while."
C.A. Pinkham is racist and sexist? Wat?
Sure, will do. Please don't hate me. :C My comment wasn't directed to you per se, just the all around Coachella-hate I've been seeing floating around most of Jezebel and the commentariat around here.
Yeah, due to some issues I have gained a lot of weight recently and now suddenly most of my fashionable and silly clothes don't fit me anymore. And I have no moneys to buy an entire new wardrobe. So I just begrudgingly look at pics of fashionable people.
Sometimes I think the Jezebel staff is not happy if they can't hate on something periodically.
Going on 22 now... so no more adolescence for me :(
Fuckin haters.
Fuck you haters, I wish I could go to Coachella and be fashionable and bohemian as fuck.
Now watching them sing is so suspenseful because we have no idea if they'll make it to the end of the song alive.
Wouldn’t the ‘award’ in this case go to, you know, the parents? They were the stupid ones.
Man, how is this surprising? I am 21 and about to graduate from college and I am surrounded by college-aged peers. Most of them, or at least a huge chunk of them, are openly racist - on social media and in real life. Some are not, I guess, “openly racist”, they don’t say it outright, but do engage in racist behavior…
Yeah, I've heard about that. I have a friend who graduated from Princeton in '12 and he explained to me (back in '08 when he started) that the tuition was quite high, but he received a lot of financial aid, so much so that he paid like $10k (tuition) a year during his first year. Then in 2009, I met this girl who was…
Well in all fairness, I am on a scholarship so I've never paid tuition and I receive a bursary (money) every month buuut I was thinking about those who do have to pay.
Holy shit, universities in the US are expensive, damn. Where I go to university (not the US), the cost of one year is ~$6 000. Some do cost around ~$11 000, but still... whoa.