If you wouldn't show the photo or video you are thinking about uploading to a child, or your boss, or your parents, you probably shouldn't share it on Instagram.
If you wouldn't show the photo or video you are thinking about uploading to a child, or your boss, or your parents, you probably shouldn't share it on Instagram.
Actually I signed up on OkCupid a while ago and I stated on my profile that kids were a complete no-no (as in, I don't want any, not now, not ever). A lot of guys were bewildered by this (well, according to the messages they sent me) and most of them had actually stated on their profiles that they wanted 2-3 children…
I see why parents might want to microchip their children, however I am more concerned with what might be some ethical issues regarding this. This article tries to be unbiased and chipper about the subject, however it gives me personally a great deal of discomfort. Is it OK to do this? It just doesn't feel so.
Not a big fan of this guy's hairstyle, but otherwise he sounds like a nice and chill person, and he is KINDA cute. I don't know why I'm getting the vibe that while these two are certainly doinking, it's a poly-amorous/open relationship/best friends who also doink type of situation (well, one of those three, but either…
YEAH, exactly. Lipstick is so high-maintenance and gets in the way of enjoying stuff.
your food situation sucks when day-old pseudo-beef and processed cheese is a treat for you.
YEAH, also I hate the tutorials where they spend the first 10 minutes of 20 minute vid talking about their life, and their products and whatnots. I DONT FUCKING CARE. I just wanna see how you do it.
Honestly I don't get why people wear lipstick at all. It always dries up my lips, makes them chapped and it smudges off on things in like 30 minutes, and then I need a mirror to reapply it constantly. I only use lipbalm to keep my lips from chapping :C
thank you! :D
I did not know about the Gawker articles, will look into them. Do you remember their name?
Yeah, they were so silly. I started reading the first one and gave up after a few lines, it just seemed so stupid, petty, immature, what have you, so I just skipped the rest of the series and rolled my eyes and scoffed as hard as I could at all the Lena Dunham hate I encountered in the articles. I still don't get what…
Yeah I kept watching the show in spite of the "I'm not watching Girls neener neener" articles, I'm just shocked to see an article that's positive about Girls, where did all the pettiness go
This week's episode of Girls was a marvel
I wish there was a movie about her. I would watch it again and again.
WHY NOT that would have been a much cuter story.
Not from Deadspin, but apparently the weasel was hunting the woodpecker down :C
Hahaha, all that was missing a "bless your heart!" at the end.
Just found this in my folders, I figure it's a perfect match for this nice fella.
I don't know man. I'm only 21 and I can count like 5-6 (maybe even more lol) guys I fell in love with during my teens and thereafter. I don't know if you classify that as love, but for me it was pretty intense/all-consuming/painful/etc. Also I fell in love with a girl once. So, I dunno, maybe I just have a lot of love…