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    Hell, you don’t need a wheel. An Xbox controller works just as well. The main thing isn’t the input method, it’s the control you demonstrate over the car and it’s tuning. I used to run side by side with actual sim racers who had sponsorships using an Xbox 360 controller and a $600 PC. When I switched from a controller

    The two genertic terms I’ve always heard are colour shift or iridescent pearlescent. They apply regardless of colour.

    If you think anything within the political machine has threatened their power you have no idea how fucked things are. They police themselves, they decide the legislation, they decide the court’s views, and they are the ones who decide what gets enforced and who enforces it. Republican states are gerrymandered to hell,

    Toyota’d never do that. The Century is a cultural icon to them at this point, and one so stratified that it’s difficult even for yakuza to get one. It’d be like if the secret club in Eyes Wide Shut had open invitations on weekdays. It’d completely lose it’s allure.

    The fact that this car weighs in at 3,740 lbs. is how you get 28MPG. And considering this is coming in with an atrocious CVT pulled from the slightly smaller Avalon you’ll never feel that 340HP until you’re already above legal speeds. It’ll all be lost to the weight and CVT slip.

    According to a decibel meter placed on the dashboard it said 141dB. Granted I bought the thing for twenty bucks to measure background noise when recording sound effects so it’s probably not accurate at “holy shit my ears hurt” levels.

    So for people like me who drive with the windows down all the time regardless of weather, we’re kind of fucked.

    The stereo system in my car goes up to twenty five, or 141dB. I usually leave it at around three, or 70dB. 70dB is road noise at 45MPH. You would definitely be able to hear 70dB from twenty five feet away,

    The CCV’s shape and methods of manufacturing very clearly merged with the Pronto Cruiser’s front end and interior to become the PT Cruiser. You can see a similar profile between the two.

    Sri Lanka’s current government is notoriously bad at handling money. Two years ago during the start of the pandemic when they first managed to shut everything down they were close to paying off a few of their debts. They narrowly avoided collapse, and it looked like they were turning things around. Then money just

    I’m pretty sure Sam’s Club has already increased prices. Bulk bags of chicken wings are like three bucks more than they were the last time I went in October, and the big huge restaurant sized containers of ketchup are like a dollar more.

    That... Still doesn’t confront the problem of the suppliers suddenly running over budget or underfunded. In fact for a few of the more vulnerable ones they’ll either cut employees or go out of business entirely. Fucking the general public even more.

    Considering Kanye says he’s going to bankroll somebody to make shit all the time and then forgets about it, I entirely expect this to be fo— oh wait he already forgot about it.

    Seriously, the man once tried to sell an MP3 player that could only play one album, which was his. He hasn’t been well for a long time and

    I have an uncle with a Canadian wife that moved to Texas. My family doesn’t really want them to come back for holidays.

    The gauges are entirely digital displays, or that car has no gauges. I don’t like either possibility, considering the quirkiness of the original gauges:

    I’ve always thought it terrifying that Chichi of all people can drive. Considering she grew up as the mountain princess and then went to live in the woods after she and Goku got married there’s no time seemingly for her to learn how to drive. The fact that Toriyama has drawn her driving multiple times, knowing her

    Math still doesn’t add up then. I looked up the current Akron side-arm. Those are 9MM Smith & Wesson M&P 9s, which have nine rounds plus one in the chamber. They can go up to seventeen plus one at .380ACP or .22LR, but the police don’t use those. So ninety rounds max, but sources say it was somewhere above ninety

    The thing is the gasoline isn’t expensive because suddenly we’re not getting Russian oil. Russian oil accounted for 11% of total U.S. consumption at the highest. Most of our oil comes from near U.S. offshore drilling, or from the Middle East. Both of which continue to produce, and have actually filled in for Russia

    The thing is a bee sting hurts. Getting coffee mug dropped on your bare foot hurts. Hitting your elbow against the door frame hurts. But none of these hurt enough to stop you from repeating whatever action caused you to get injured in the first place because the the injury was so minor and the odds of recurrence so

    The Street Fighter III thing isn’t actually because they used AI upscaling. It’s how the actual image scaling works. See, there’s multiple methods you can use to increase the scale of an image. Bicubic sharp, bicubic smooth, gaussian, tent, and nearest neighbour are the most common. Either because people don’t know or

    Cyberpunk’s real through line isn’t about fearing the Japanese when they were on the rise in the 1980s. That’s just a very unfortunate and apparent theme people picked up on in Bladerunner’s visuals. Cyberpunk’s through line is hatred of capital and centralized authority. In many cyberpunk works like comics in Heavy