You know the expression “a broken clock is right twice a day”? There were thousands of different unfounded “theories” about covid 19, many of which mutually exclusive. Even if one of the many theories ends up plausible, that doesn’t make believing in conspiracy theories any more justified.
Nah, it’s determined by who proposes the idea. Can’t risk the wrong people looking right, even if for the wrong reasons.
A conspiracy is any plan hatched by two or more parties.
This hoax virus that doesn’t exist was started by China as a deadly attack on Americans and it’s a mild cold.
Is this the same lawyer who thought it was a good idea releasing the texts thinking it would exonerate Majors but only made him look more guilty instead?
He really is doing an o-face in every single photo, what the fuck.
“We strongly requested the District Attorney dismiss all charges against Mr. Majors immediately and initiate proceedings against Ms. Jabbari, holding her accountable for her crimes”
JUDGE: I will recommend probation for six months. All you have to do is STOP MAKING THAT FUCKING FACE.
This might be more convincing if Shannon hadn’t told Collider a couple of weeks ago that “multiverse movies are like somebody playing with action figures” and that working on The Flash “wasn’t quite satisfying for me, as an actor.” But even Zod has to eat, I suppose.
I don’t think one role he’s selected invalidates any of the things he’s saying, or his proven track record in his career. If anything, Man of Steel, while being a brainier Superman movie, is the outlier in his movie filled with smaller more indie films. This makes him out to sound like a hypocrite when Shannon has…
I just really hope we see an increased level cap. I was loving the game until I hit the arbitrary cap at level 50 without enough points to reach the final unlocks in any of the trees. I tend to play 1 character until I exhaust the game so I’m stuck in an incomplete game until they give me more levels to earn.
Yeah the blood mixing with his giving him powers because....lion? Like, maybe they’ll explain it better in the film but just as a trailer that’s laughable.
Oh, I can not wait to not watch that.
He has enhanced abilities from a potion he regularly ingests. It looks like they’re going a different route for the film. Questionable decision, really. You’d think they could wring some decent tension out of him having to take/get to his potion in time, or even go on dangerous missions to get the rare ingredients he…
it’s full of gamma rays
I may be really behind on Marvel’s continuity, but I thought Kraven was a normie and didn’t have super powers.
Predicting the ending
Morbius randomly appears ‘ I’ve been reading about you. I’m not sure how I got here, has to do with Spider-Man I think. I’m still figuring this place out, but I think a bunch of guys like us should team up and do some good.’”
Kraven, “I’m listening.”
Is that lion even radioactive?