The fact that they’re railing against it now indicates they’ve never understood the things that they claim to love.
The fact that they’re railing against it now indicates they’ve never understood the things that they claim to love.
Noting, in the understatement of the year, that it’s “seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling,”
Look at all the work that went into creating that bust. The guy who made it is an absolute master.
Even better - I have already seen his stans (admittedly a lot of bots) screech that the media is “unfair” to him.
Also he’s 77. He would be 78 by the time he’s sworn in. Trump at 72 is the oldest president we’ve ever had, and I’d rather that trend die with him.
Can we fucking not.
Trump drinks diet coke...
The only people I know that drink diet sodas are people that are trying to lose weight. Skinny people don’t drink diet sodas, they drink regular sodas.
Grab Pence a couple too.
He’s not really a smart business man. He was just the first person to create an online Wal-Mart. If he hadn’t, someone else would have.
Satanists as well.
Saying that she thinks women in abused relationships should be forced to carry their babies is a pretty extreme stretch
I’m a dude, so I can’t speak from experience, but wouldn’t simple logic dictate
Fun fact: Louis XVI’s eating habits made him look like a monkey in a zoo.
That woman is an asshole and most definitely a racist as well.
Decent chance of Denuclearization...
Why would I ever want to see an actual rapist in porn?
It’s especially annoying when they tout how “safe” the country is. If you refuse to investigate anything bad happening to women or LGBTQ people, then sure, super safe...
The defamation charge, should it be investigated as a criminal matter, “carries a penalty of five years in prison and a fine of around $50,000.