
My theory is, growing up (I’m 33) Video Games were not cool, they were a niche hobby for nerds, like model trains or collecting stamps. If you got outed as someone who played Games you could expect some bullying from the jocky types, nevermind any girl showing interest.

Overwatch is huge on skill, and respects it.

Ok but if this were done by an ex then they’ll know your tattoos. Even if it’s a unique design, they may have pics of it or just remember it enough for someone else to recreate it. And the same tracking software used to paste your face onto the moving image of someone else’s face could be used to paste a tattoo

Because why even bother talking to each other anymore? In the future we’ll only be allowed to say yes and thank you.

Yeah how dare we educate people about things. 

You, like everyone else on this planet, peaked in physical attractiveness in your 20s.

However, I have noticed as I have aged, that the more respectful , empathetic, and emotionally available I make myself : the less women seem to be interested.

For men, interactions with women are a zero-sum game. If she wins, he loses.

People are awful. So I’m sure they’ll find some way to shame and/or force women into marrying shitty men and popping out babies.

Fast food can make you bloated. Especially if you’re someone who doesn’t eat it that often. So if she has a job the next day, it makes sense to avoid it.

Right? I don’t get how this is shaming. Everyone is asking why she’s there, but it’s obviously because friends or the people she works with wanted to go. Also who cares if she jumps rope outside? That’s not shaming to anyone inside because I’m sure plenty of those people also exercise.

Americans literally depend on their jobs for healthcare. And now they’re attacking individual pieces of healthcare. I honestly see this only as a beginning. It’s politicians and corporations working together and using our culture’s hatred of women to piece things off.

More likely - they know very well it was the racial abuse that got them banned. But without a strawman they can’t make themselves into the victim. 

The girl in the movie is the daughter of....that actress form Caroline in the City and Back to The Future. I can’t fucking remember her name.

Someone out there might find it uninteresting. Someone else out there will believe it, and swallow it 100% as truth. There’s the scary part.

Edit: Right!?

It wasn’t proven to be a lie, you misogynistic waste of skin.

Eat shit and die 

I hope all those who sentenced her fucking die. I hope everyone they love dies. I hope there’s a hell so they can all burn there.