
It’s funny to me to see them comparing the two now. Especially because Warren was a huge shield for BernieBros and centrists during the 2016 campaign. “I’m not sexist, I’d totally vote for Warren if she ran!” And now suddenly all these excuses for why they can’t support her. Mm-hm, and it’s also not sexism this time.

Oh what a surprise -all the bros who said “I’m not sexist for hating Hillary, I’d totally support Warren if she ran” are suddenly saying why they wouldn’t support Warren. Fucking shocker.

A Harris/Duckworth or Duckworth/Harris ticket would 100% get my support. Damn...I just wanna think about how awesome that’d be. 

They already have. After the election there was some speculation she might run and there were tons of fox/conservative articles talking about that nonsense. 

encourage indie devs to make a spritiual sucessor to the Sims franchise instead!

Right?? I consider myself a pretty big fan of the franchise. I hated 4 for the reasons the article mentions. I don’t even play it anymore cause it’s so boring. I just stick with 3. Never did it cross my mind to harass the devs. Just fucking nuts that people even go there over a game

oooooooo! Fucking nailed it.

Get Woke, Go Broke. It doesn’t pay to attack your customers. Most of them just want the games without the politics.

Holy shit. This comment is too fucking brilliant for this website. This isn’t a sarcastic comment btw. I’m just stunned at the awareness of it.

I would also be careful about blaming this all on the press. Keep in mind, the white house hates the press and wants you to not trust them.

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However a big phone isn’t sexist and saying so is an insult to us women in tech who have to face the real sexism.

Why does it make you so mad that people complain about phones being too big? Maybe if they complain enough then apple will give them what they want so they don’t have to “utilize your ability to buy whatever Microsoft or Samsung is making.”

Let people complain about a thing they don’t like. It’s fine. And I’m one of those people who loves the big phones! But maybe if enough people complain apple will make a smaller phone for them. How does that affect your life? 

This. I have small lady hands as well, and I like the big phones. For me, squinting = headache. I do agree that they’re harder to hold, but you can get cases with straps or popsockets to help with that. Edit: And even if the phones were smaller, I think you’d still have that holding problem. Cause apple phones are

She is fucking amazing. 

He could murder a baby on camera while screeching racist slurs and they’d still stan.

They cake it on because they’re affiliated with the brands. If you click a link from their yt video and end up buying the product they make a commission. 

I hate that some cousins of mine still support him and his makeup line after all these years, remarking that “he has apologized and grown from it.” Fucking childish racist with zero moral compass.

It’s Cool Girl. Gillian Flynn who wrote Gone Girl defined it in the book.