

Just amazing how so few series end with such a perfect final shot: No grand battle, no sentimental good-byes or major deaths or such. Just the crew playing poker with Picard finally joining them, this unique bond of friendship showcased full-scale and the camradarie that made the show work so well. No bang, no

My grandmother was an awesome lady. She was born in the 20's and went to college in the 30's — engineering school just like her dad. Her father didn't want her to go to engineering school because she was just going to be a housewife anyway, so she told him that she would meet a great husband in engineering school

Nah, I've met him in real life (like, real- real-life, I used to work where his kid took swimming lessons.) He is legitimately nice/totally cool. And his daughter's super cute.

Couldn't help it !

"Have you heard of Gravitonium? It's way underground."

I totally agree, and I worked on it.

Oh, wow, nostalgic story time. When I was a kid, my friends and I were super into ElfQuest. For my 12th birthday we went to Disneyland. The Indiana Jones ride had just opened. We were in the part of the line where you're going into all these tunnels and we were whispering about how this dude in front of us looked

They cannot kill off Crowley! That ruins my dream of a Crowley/Cas buddy cop Season 11.

Do the contestants know about Kirk Thatcher's more hostile side? He might HATE YOU. Even BERATE YOU.

Dear God, we need to develop longevity therapies. I don't want to live in a world without Sir Ian and Sir Patrick.

I am already a supervillain. CARB WOMAN! BWHAHAHAHAH! With these arms, I will make more glaze and more mini-donuts.

"...meets a kind of shitty god..."

Best description of Q EVER.

I did love Jane Foster's reaction to shirtless Thor for the same reason Rob wrote. All the Marvel films have at least one scene shot just for the female gaze - all the guys get shirtless (or some variant thereof) and then pose for a bit whereas none of the female characters do. When I first noticed that I was really

Recommended to you by an astronaut - excellent!

Read this one if you haven't!