
A TV Tropes game would be crazy fun, especially if you could make people change their game. "I play Face Heel Turn on Dave's hero!" "Noooo!"

"The Alternative Factor": Generally forgotten like one forgets the pimple on your buttock, until it's scraped. An incoherent premise that can't even keep its own insanity consistent, wild talk about universes annihilating each other, a guest star chewing the scenery, and an "flying saucer" that looks like a reject

The only brightside to "Shades of Gray" is that its the last time we have to deal with the Gorgon herself, Pulaski.

I always assumed this was a special rule the instructors created for just that group in an attempt to get rid of Wesley.

Do you mean you'd prefer... "bread-and-butterflies"?

no its runway mechanized pants. Possibly with an evil penguin in them.

As an Italian, I find your post rather awkward to read.

Oh my GOD! We're off the hook for Celine Dion?! I can't believe it. I just can't believe it. I thought for sure this day would not come in my lifetime. Chris Hadfield should now take over as Prime Minister of Canada for this. Actually, screw that: King Chris of Canada it is.

Proposal: Star Trek: Riker. Riker commands the new Enterprise. The sets have all been shrunk to 80% their normal size and everybody else on the ship is under 5'4". Riker steps over everything: chairs, tables, the warp coil, his second in command. He rides on the top of the shuttle when they go on away missions. He

Has there ever been a better description of Riker than "swaggering smirkface?" Well met.