
Ohhh I have such a mighty need for that dark chocolate/peppermint flavor. Around here, I usually only see the plain milk chocolate and/or hazelnut, both of which are quite nice, but nothin’ beats chocolate and mint, IMO.

Oh hey, it’s me! I got into the habit of doing this because my father had no qualms about devouring ALL of a food I was looking forward to having a portion of (my leftovers, a bag of chips, a batch of cookies...). Early on in our dating I explained to my husband that I was weird about food, and though he completely

Sesame seed oil and rice wine vinegar are some brilliant upgrades. :O I’m gonna blow my family’s mind at the next cookout — my grandma’s been making the basic version of this for forever (sans the chicken and mandarin oranges) and I’m about to to end her whole career.

You’re on to something there -- I demand crunch both in my ramen salad and cereal. :) 

I mildly resent Boho Beautiful (okay, it’s envy — wouldn’t I love to make a living traveling the world, being extremely fit and doing yoga in beautiful places) but I like how challenging her yoga videos can be. Yoga with Adriene has great beginner videos but for a workout that makes me feel like a highly accomplished

Mr. and Mrs. Muscle kick my ass so hard, which I assume means it’s working, hah!

I’m extraordinarily uncoordinated when it comes to dancing, but it’s such good cardio. I’ll have to give her a shot! :) 

She’s great (though sometimes a little “woo” for my tastes, as a very low-woo-tolerance individual -- I think her dorkiness helps balance the woo out). I started with her videos a couple years ago as someone who’d never done any yoga before and found them really accessible!

The Jane Fonda ones are super long — I think the one I did last night was like 75 minutes? I’ve been meaning to do more HIIT so I’ll have to check out Body Project (a cute instructor is a nice bonus). I can’t think of any good standing-only workouts, sorry!

All that counting out loud drives me crazy

Gonna hijack this comment section to ask what online workouts y’all have been enjoying/suffering through lately! I’ve been on a vintage workout kick: tried a very prance-y Jazzercise video that killed my calves, a Jane Fonda workout with delightfully awful synth music and fantastic outfits (SUSPENDERS??), and a whole

That bit still influences my thinking to this very day. Too bad the guy’s a monster -- I get a little guilty twinge every time I think “Cake! For breakfast!”

I’m right there with you — I’ve made like four batches of ice cream already and have zero regrets. Yesterday’s experiment was lemon curd frozen custard, which came out absolutely divine, albeit a little soft. (And the process of reducing the custard mixture was a massive pain in the ass -- I should’ve used a bigger

If you’re gonna get grievously injured, do it in a country with national medicine.

Ya beat me to it.

Reminds me of this absolutely fucking horrific thing that happened in Indiana over the holiday weekend. (TW on that link for racial slurs, physical violence and attempted lynching, yikes.)... Except, in Indiana, the white folks who were caught on camera beating up and threatening to lynch a black man weren’t even

Fun fact: Caterpillar poop is called “frass!”

Oh, I *want* this. I’m imagining little packets of mint chutney taking the place of Taco Bell sauce packets.

Batman Forever, I think, holds up incredibly well. The action sequences are coherent as Burton’s, the lighting is eye-popping, and Jim Carrey’s performance as the Riddler is a true tour de force.

Here’s my hot tip: The zillions of books and online resources for gardening can be helpful, but they’re likely not tailored to where you live. For weirdly specific Baltimore problems (rats?!?), I bet your local branch of the University of Maryland Extension has weirdly specific advice to match. They should also have