
oh nooooo -- i’ve been called out and i deserve it

Cat litter. I don’t mind living on a starvation diet of ramen and frozen vegetables for a couple weeks if I have to, but I refuse to let the house smell like cat shit while that happens.

With quick-to-sog cereals such as those, I just leave the cereal dry, pour a glass of milk, and take a sip after every bite. #lifehacks

Ooooogh, those look incredible. Marvelous job! I’m afraid to even attempt croissants, myself. 

I doooooo

I believe you — Smith’s Lord Bergamot is one of my favorite Earl Greys. A bit pricy, but with good reason!

Oh man, that sounds magnificent. I love a malty, strong black tea.

Listening to that the other day, I was in awe of the interviewer’s restraint... They let the ICE agent condemn himself with his own words. And boy oh boy, did he ever tell on himself. :/

Oh gosh, this looks so tasty. There’s a tragic lack of fresh oyster mushrooms where I live at the moment, unless I want to forage for ‘em myself (which would be an option if it had rained recently, which it hasn’t). Would reconstituted dehydrated oysters work well enough, or should I just go with some baby ‘bellas?

Oo, nice! Egg is a non-optional ramen addition to me. I eat ramen for lunch at work fairly often (don’t judge me!) and I’ve got a whole system worked out where I fill a mug with water and drop the egg in, nuke it for a minute+50 seconds ‘til it’s just barely setting (DON’T do this if the egg is at all damaged; it’ll

I support this headcanon. Pop culture needs more trans dude icons... why not this swole cat?

Oh, clotted cream. I fell for it during a too-brief trip to England in my youth, and now I yearn for it every time I bake scones (which is often). Gonna have to make a batch, if I can find non-ultra-pasteurized heavy cream; in this land of Walmarts and Dollars General, that might require a bit of a drive.

This seems like a good place to mention that I spotted Premium Peach-Mint KitKats at an import store recently and just had to buy a package, for obvious reasons. Aside from being the perfect dessert for an impeachment-themed party, those lil fuckers are absolutely delicious. I think there’s freeze-dried peach powder

Messing with scam callers is one of my few, shining sources of pure happiness. I work at a newspaper, and the panic in their voices when I get through to a human and tell them they’ve reached the [NEWSPAPER] and we know they’re scammers just delights me. Sometimes they’ll even cuss me out and that’s even better (“Your

I recently stayed at an AirB&B that, as it turned out, had an Echo in pretty much every room... but I didn’t notice that fact until my husband said the word “Amazon” and the nearest one suddenly started talking to us.

Any time! :) 

Ah, yeah, I’m sure the history and use of the terms probably varies quite a bit depending on the language you’re using.

I’m seeing some confusion about the whole bisexual vs. pansexual thing, so I’m pasting my response here too in hopes it’ll be a bit more visible.

Bisexuality is the older term of the two, and has long been used to refer to attraction to both one’s own gender and other genders (including, potentially, nonbinary genders). The term “pansexual,” as used in the modern sense, is a more recent one.

Catching y’all half-dressed and looking flushed would quite probably cure your kids of this habit for good...