
Plus a couple drops of almond extract, perhaps?

It’s a good basic reference point, and I like the promptings to seek help. But I think it’s slightly flawed in that mental health struggles are rarely as straightforward as physical pain. They affect different people very differently. When I had a depressive episode not too long ago, I coped fine — from the outside.

Seems like lately, it’s hard to get anyone to go on the record about anything; people want anonymity even when there’s no good reason to give it to ‘em. My speculation is that big news outlets hoping to scoop each other have been too generous about granting anonymity and letting people speak on background, so folks

And Bluebell’s!

I think you’re right... I grew up on Twizzlers and didn’t have a Red Vine until high school. Took one bite and just couldn’t eat the rest. Bleh.

Your smile is beautiful and you’re doing fantastic.

I’ve never had scarier moments than the times I’ve nearly choked. First time I was maybe four — my family was at a restaurant and a piece of ice got lodged in the back of my throat. I believe my dad gave me a good thump on the back and between that and the ice melting, I managed to hork it out. I remember being very

the only good take

And safety shears if you’re using ropes!

Accounts I’ve read from people who’ve toured the exclusion zone always mention the dogs. They’re friendly and curious, but tourists aren’t allowed to pet them for fear of radiation contamination. (Gotta admit, I don’t think I could resist ‘em.) Glad some of these good pooches are finding homes!

I’ve never been, but their billboards in Indiana nearly tempted me into making a special road trip just for donuts.

If you’re on a literary recipe spree, may I suggest Jack London’s duck? (source)

Gatehouse Media is especially bad about this. It bought the Columbia Daily Tribune in Missouri (which had been locally owned for 115 years) in 2016. The first thing they did was fire all the copy editors. They’ve been chipping away at staff ever since, and seem to be planning on merging two nearby small-town papers

I should also point out that Callery/Bradford pear trees are TERRIBLY, HORRIBLY invasive, in addition to smelling like jizz and being way too eager to fall apart in storms. There’s nothing good about ‘em.

My cousin was one of the scholarship recipients! If you for some reason noticed a cute, tall white boy in glasses, with a whiff of Eau de Catholic Guilt, that was him.

My little sister’s first crush, at age 3 or 4, was Darth Vader. She was watching Star Wars for the first time and immediately upon his appearance she delightedly yelled, “It’s the Snooze!” (Referencing his breathing, I guess.)

It really does take two to make a marriage work. LW, I’d suggest have one good conversation about it — outside of gaming time — where you follow Patrick’s advice and tell your husband how this situation makes you feel, suggest restricting game night to a couple set nights a week, etc. Maybe he’s truly oblivious enough

They’re set up to fail, definitely, but that doesn’t really bother me because I think everyone knows it — including the contestants. It’s part of the very premise of the show that these are average home bakers trying to reproduce professional cakes in a limited time, and no one really expects them to “nail it.” The

Nothing to contribute except that dang, that pizza sounds great.

Totally agreed. The fanbase absolutely got a little (and in some cases a lot) over-possessive and rabid, but honestly they weren’t wrong to ask for plots that make sense, consistent characterization, actual answers to questions like how Sherlock survived the fall, etc.