
My two love Mr. Vulcanbookworm and I. Mulder, especially, is always ecstatic to greet me after work and in the morning. He likes to put his paws up on my shoulders and groom me while purring at the top of his lungs. (That’s him in the pic, after he forgot to put his tongue away)

I like the Oatmeal Scotchies recipe on the back of the Nestle butterscotch chips bag.

He looks like Cool Guy

If you’re doing stovetop mac, you can get a skillet going with some panko, olive oil, salt and pepper until golden brown. Then, pull off the heat and quickly mix in some grated parm. Sprinkle that crunchy, salty goodness all over your mac’n’cheese, and the rest keeps well in a baggie to go on top of the next day’s

LW2: Someone telling you that you have to earn their trust back is a huge relationship red flag. Often, abusers will use a minor or even simply perceived breach of trust as an excuse to put controlling, restrictive requirements on their partners — for example, making the partner show them all their communication with

For the first Hobbit movie: Giant tupperware of “lembas” (simple scones), bag of popcorn, sour gummy bears, giant thermos of hot tea, apples and cheese. The movie was disappointing, but our feast was not.

JKinda like the famed Edo-period He-gassen scroll?

I mean, this is a world where male German soldiers grew a boob on one side from drilling too hard with their guns. Anything’s possible.

That’s totally understandable, and it sucks absolute ass that ex put you through that.

I’m a woman who sometimes enjoys being lightly, consensually choked during sex. It’s kind of like watching a horror movie — it allows you to experience something dangerous in a controlled way, which is kind of a thrill if you’re into it.

I was going to bring up Hollownight as well! Those maps aren’t quite as mazelike as this game’s appear to be (though there are tricky sections), but they are dense with secrets and delights. And it definitely rewards backtracking after you get a new skill.

10. the built-in cheeto pouch

It sounds like it’ll involve a fair amount of political machinating between the action scenes, which could be dull for a 7-year-old. (Haven’t seen it yet myself but that’s what I’ve heard.)

What’s your favorite bit? Mine’s the little white tip (shush) — the texture’s slightly different and it tastes creamier to me.

Yeah, that’s pretty normal.

Oh lord, you’re absolutely right.

Sometimes it was hard to parse what was forbidden because it wasn’t godly enough and what was forbidden because my mom was prone to nightmares as a kid and assumed that my siblings and I were equally susceptible.

Yeah, conservative Christian parents make for an interesting childhood. The only TV mine would let me watch were the kids shows on PBS, and even then Dragontails was forbidden because magic, and Wishbone was forbidden because sometimes it covered scary books...

I can’t say anyone’s ever asked to see mine, but it’s unobtrusive and not immediately recognizable as a wedding/engagement ring.