
I really need to read that’n... Finally watched “The Handmaiden” (based on Fingersmith) last month and enjoyed it, even if it got a wee bit male gaze/does this director understand how lesbian sex works at times. Thanks for the reminder.

A little butt fuzz isn’t the worst thing on earth, imho... but it sure isn’t the sexiest detail to include.

To borrow a phrase I’m sure occurs at least once in one of these books, my nether bits are tingling with anticipation.

It’s worth a shot, thanks!

I think that might be part of it for me too... sometimes I wake myself (and my husband) up by talking.

I look forward to reading your tips!

Pumpkin or some inferior pie? (I can remember polishing off a whole pumpkin pie at one family Thanksgiving when I was about 11 and getting in trouble. Worth it!)

Here’s something I hope you’ll address in a future article in this series: how to keep from waking up as soon as you’re lucid. That’s always my problem — snapping to lucidity seems to jolt me out of sleep entirely.

“First five Cosby jurors are all white” might be a little clearer.

Nah, a different one. (With only like three people on staff, which is why I’m a bit reluctant to say which — don’t want to dox myself.)

Just private-messaged the kid on Reddit. I work for a newspaper in rural Missouri and I’m really hoping he lives in my county and is willing to talk so I can write a glowing article about him and piss off the fundies. :)

But do the ride attendance constantly yell “GET IN THE FUCKING ROBOT, SHINJI!”?

The one surprising/alarming thing here would be if the parasite in the raw fish had survived freezing. Here in the US, the FDA requires that all fish served raw (in sushi, etc.) must be frozen first, exactly because of the parasites. I have no idea if Portugal has a similar rule, though.

Speaking as a bi person, I don’t think this is homophobic. This is pretty clearly just the age-old “in bed with the enemy” accusation carried to a crude extreme. And, bonus, it’s an extreme that would make the very homophobic targets of the joke uncomfortable.

*especially* telly-angry Tom Hardy, tbh. Mm...

It’s a good compromise! :)

Toads and birds snarf up slugs. Interestingly, you may be actually helping the snails by putting egg shells out. They’ll nibble them for calcium, which strengthens their shell. (People with pet snails often provide egg shells for ‘em for that reason.)


I’m into being on the receiving end of that kind of stuff (except being choked to unconsciousness—that’s EXTREMELY DANGEROUS). And some of my fantasies are things I wouldn’t carry out in real life, because they’re too dangerous/potentially traumatizing/impractical. (Some I’d do but only with explicit consent and

Whip up a batch of honey butter, and spread a bit on each piece of chicken right after pulling out of the fryer so it melts right in?