
Speaking as a bi person, I don’t think this is homophobic. This is pretty clearly just the age-old “in bed with the enemy” accusation carried to a crude extreme. And, bonus, it’s an extreme that would make the very homophobic targets of the joke uncomfortable.

*especially* telly-angry Tom Hardy, tbh. Mm...

It’s a good compromise! :)

Toads and birds snarf up slugs. Interestingly, you may be actually helping the snails by putting egg shells out. They’ll nibble them for calcium, which strengthens their shell. (People with pet snails often provide egg shells for ‘em for that reason.)


I’m into being on the receiving end of that kind of stuff (except being choked to unconsciousness—that’s EXTREMELY DANGEROUS). And some of my fantasies are things I wouldn’t carry out in real life, because they’re too dangerous/potentially traumatizing/impractical. (Some I’d do but only with explicit consent and

Whip up a batch of honey butter, and spread a bit on each piece of chicken right after pulling out of the fryer so it melts right in?

You’re gonna hate me for this—I just downloaded Pokemon Go two days ago, and on my first full day with it, I caught my second-ever Pidgey, which turned out to be a Ditto. Beginner’s luck...

Not yet, though I’ve heard good things about the book. Should I check it out?

Have you seen The Handmaiden yet? I’ll admit the sex scenes showed a distinct lack of understanding of how lady/lady sex works, but I still really enjoyed it.

Oh boy... No spoilers, but brace yourself. It’s just as hard to watch as the trailers imply, especially (I’d imagine) if you’re fond of both the characters and actors.

Are you planning on seeing Logan? I did, basically because Patrick Stewart, despite not really caring about X-Men.

The “bumbling sycophant with grating voice” type of side character has always been one of my least-favorite archetypes, but more power to you! As a LeFou fan, how do you feel about this revelation?

That character is by far the worst thing in the original film, and possibly the most obnoxious character in all of Disney. I’m so with you.

Yay, you got my tip! (Either that or you got someone else’s tip about the same press release.) I’d love to call him out in the newspaper I work at, but alas, I’d get run out of town on a rail in this very Republican county.

You can read (almost) all of his tracts on his website. One or two proved too divisive even for his tastes and were removed, but they still exist elsewhere on the web. Enjoy??

If I’m recalling correctly, there is, with one of the characters, an option to just chill and watch a movie and eat pizza.

Whoops I replied to your comment above before I saw this. Hooray!

As someone who’s actually managed to convince my boyfriend to wear women’s underwear before, it helped a lot to present it as *sexy* lingerie, rather than *women’s* lingerie. I explained that the underwear in question (I’d picked him out a black silky pair with lace around the edges) was a pair that I’d find hot on

This went down in my hometown. Watching it unfold in the local paper was one of the wildest rides Springfield, MO has ever given me.