
I think the point is that s/he would or could be lesbian and/or gay and/or bi and/or trans, rather than just one of those things. Thus not the first lesbian character, nor the first gay character, but the first LGBT (that is, all of the above) character. Without biological sexual characteristics s/he could be

I laughed; I cried- it moved me, HipsterSpaceRedneck.

I'm guessing Lumpy Space Princess...

Thanks for the detailed description! Wish I'd been there. :)

Kaja Foglio of "Girl Genius" fame?! I must track this down!

I am just pleased as punch to see ARtD getting a call-out here! I've read it pretty much since the beginning, and among the 30+ webcomics I read regularly it's probably my favorite. The art is so beautiful that the occasional panel just makes me cry, and Hannu and Ville are just so delightful and their friendship is

What you do is you make Deadpool underoos, which (the next time he puts in an appearance in any medium) he will be sure to mention he's wearing. And we will all be happy.

I see you'd already mentioned this little stinker. You've left out the worst bits, though; perhaps you've blocked them from your memory. Namely, the endless trippy interludes where the universe is flashing in and out of existence and two nebulous figures struggle against a bluish background of stars...

Doesn't make it any less painful, though. Bleurgh.

In TOS, I'd go with "The Lazarus Effect:" a seemingly endless and hopelessly incoherent story with long interludes of trippy, cheap, and repetitive special effects and a nonsensical ending. Oh, and one of the worst fake beards ever applied.

One of my favorite memories from high school was attending an actual factual autopsy with a few people from my Anatomy/Physiology class. It was a very visceral experience. Pun very much intended. The slurp of the brain as the upper portion of the skull was removed, the stench of half-digested chicken and what we think

If it's twins, you can name one Blue Tit and the other Blue-Footed Booby.

I'm reading it right now. I can't decide whether it's the most painful thing ever, or the most awesome thing ever. Oh Shatner.

In the 10th episode of the fourths season of SyFy's show Face-Off, the challenge was to create hybrid offspring of any two of Defiance's aliens. They had the producer or director or something of Defiance as a guest judge, and if I remember correctly, he said something about how in a town with so many alien races

Let us make it a viral meme!

A quick Google has solved this:… This "Verka Serduchka" character of the comedian is a railroad car stewardess. The uniform is presumably the uniform of the railway. Though they sure do look like Nazi uniforms.

We have decided... that you are not orcs.

I did the same thing, with "The Yellow Rose of Texas."

It isn't just writing. (Anecdotal evidence follows...) Once, I had a really catchy tune stuck in my head that I was sure I'd never heard before. I was positive I'd invented it. So I went and hummed it to one of my friends, feeling quite pleased with myself. She looked at me, frowning.

Mine are also typically narrative-driven and fantastical rather than realistic, though on (rare) occasion they feature actual people whom I know and real-world settings (though usually with a twist; for example, I'm in a place my brain identifies as my high school but it has a bar and bright orange walls and really