
Cue the “how could police miss her issues in this encounter and let her attack happen?” All I can say is I’m glad I’m not on the police force. If they over react, they’re blamed. If they under react, they’re blamed. We require them to be perfectly omniscient, endlessly analyze and second guess their split second life

Or, Snapchat reminds employees that those who fail to observe their contractual agreements will be prosecuted. Sounds less threatening when accurately titled.

Sure, compared to their value, $1 million is nothing but I don’t think their success should be held against them when they donate. It always annoys me when my friends say, “you have plenty of money, you can afford it, why don’t you buy it”. There’s a reason I’m doing well financially, and it’s because I’m not just

Drive toward the cloud. You don’t want to survive nuclear holocaust.

They could have at least had this guy on the show to explain it

Now playing

Will they have the Model S Ticket-Avoidance Mode?

jk ill give you a hint

Swine me up!


At least in myself, I describe depression like this - imagine that over time, you realize that you no longer have the ability to feel joy. I don’t mean the kind of short-term pleasure you’d get from having sex or eating ice cream, but the simple enjoyment you’d get from playing video games, watching a movie, or doing

well, IPA means Indian Pale Ale so... yeah

Hence why IPA is so awesome...

How about an accompanying article:

The hardest part... is figuring out what shape your face is! I've never been able to do it (for glasses). Too vague.