
I just feel bad for Coulson (never forget) and Misty Knight who have to make do with second and third best robotic (ugh) tech. I mean yeah, Coulson’s hand had a shield in it, but what if it could be a cannon/flying boots/sword/sunglasses too?

As much as I love Natalie Portman, I’d much rather have an actress that’s interested in the parts she plays. I appreciate wanting to pay the bills so she can do the artsy stuff, but the directors need to tell her that they’re not paying to film her bored face. Maybe they did and that’s why she wasn’t in Thor 3. Either

If you just watched a few episodes of season one, try it again with season two. Or at least watch the s1 finale and go from there. S1 is a lot of world building and character creation/establishment. But it’s also got a lot of rough edges that you don’t appreciate until later. Londo and G’Kar have some of the best

I was a fan of Dune before I knew what Dune was (played the hell out of the Dune II RTS game on Genesis). Then I read the books - God Emperor is one of my all time favorites. I just about refuse to read the KJA books, not because they’re so derided, but because they might actually be what Frank had planned. Anyway,

The dinner where the natives’ pure generosity allowed the immigrants to not starve through the winter from their sheer incompetence.

Transmog is probably the greatest thing in the game. I get not liking it, but as a mage which has never had a good looking tier set it is a god send.

Did anyone paying attention to this fiasco actually believe there was a DDOS attack? It was painfully obvious it was actual feedback to the Idjit’s net neutrality policy change, from the general internet outrage on every site to the gofccyourself.com campaign.

It would be amusing to have an empty island that no one can move to because of all the debt attributed to it.

And don’t give to the Red Cross. Even besides the bloated management the money for a disaster is pre-allocated. When you donate you’re basically giving to the next disaster, or the one after, not this one in the news.

I’m sure after 5 years in court and millions in lawyer fees, after all is said and done, google will happily send the class action participants every bit of their $25 google play gift card.

yeah, I used to love io9 as the online Omni. But as the old guard passes to the new it’s moved from the already liberal side of Gawker Media to... whatever Charles here is actually advocating. I’m okay with the liberal bit, but I’m not okay with the subtle (or not so subtle) race and gender hate.

hopefully the hurricane doesn’t knock over any oil wells, which then gets sparked by lightning to make a fire zombie ‘cane.

Food for birds and minor predators probably. One might argue as a barrier for a weaker animal’s survival, and a push for anti-pest evolution.

That’s the problem with a one-party government. There’s zero oversight. Pai, a republican, will never be removed by a republican congress. His anti-consumer policies will never be reviewed. And it’s not likely his behavior (lying and general waste of money and breath) will ever be investigated.

Lordy I hope there are tapes...

So basically any painfully generic sword and sorcery fantasy series. I think they had something like that recently with the Sword of Truth series (Legend of the Seeker). It went all of two years according to Wikipedia.

Because that’s when trump could get laid simply by being rich, instead of proving it (ie paying)

“I wonder if the leader of the free world...”

The thing is, if A4 climaxes with the Avengers getting their asses handed to them, then Strange yells “now” and wave two, with say, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine (even if not HJ), Psylocke, Storm, Gambit, all the characters the 90's kids grew up with, show up. People would freak. the hell. out.

I’m a big X-Men fan and I sort of agree. I don’t want to see the X-Men right now... but a movie with Beast? a Nightcrawler or Angel cameo? Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, Deadpool’s Colossus (with obligatory reference to DP)? Hells yes. They don’t have to make yet another movie with Xavier and his X-Men fighting Magneto and the