That ticket taker sounds like the king asshole of the universe! If I saw your old Buick heading my way I’d wave you on through for free. That car is some serious Detroit awesomeness.
That ticket taker sounds like the king asshole of the universe! If I saw your old Buick heading my way I’d wave you on through for free. That car is some serious Detroit awesomeness.
Did they let Quentin Tarantino go? Oh wait...
People who divert planes or make the flight crew take emergency action should be required by law to reimburse everyone on the flight for wasting their time.
Both of you are heels!
“Non-Consensual Footsie”.
Looks like Southwest had to put their foot down.
He really wanted to fly United.
No fighting in the the violence for the parking lot!
Everybody was bleacher fighting
not shown, these guys later wheezed the juice.
Don’t tape me bro!
Oh man that look when his dead eyes get live with panic is just...delicious. I could snack on that all day.
If by white collar career, you mean stacking shirts at JC Penney’s, then maybe.
Thank goodness somebody made this about Boston. Good job.
Having to fly into and out of Logan Airport regularly for work, I can say that this, in fact may have not been as much a race issue as a Shithead Logan Airport Employee problem.
They’re not letting him loose too early. They’re setting him free. Have you no compassion for the young man?
So go buy a Camry and die of beige.