
Sort of a different situation, but I feel your pain. I was seeing a guy for a while while I was dealing with some serious, gut wrenching, agonizing issues. I would try to talk to him about it (at his urging!) and encounter something similar. I would message him with something about how sad or upset I was and he would

Alkaselzer cold/sinus/flu can be amazing, especially if you get the tablets that dissolve in water. You just shotgun that medicinal goodness right down to where it needs to be. Also, back before my blood pressure shot up (thanks, divorce!) I swore by tylenol sinus products. Now I use a neti pot, take a shit ton of

I moved twice in a four month period (one was planned, the other opportunity popped up and was too good to turn down), and got fairly decent at it. I was quite ruthless the second time, because I was just so tired of moving at that point. That's a good first question to ask when you're trying to decide whether to keep

As an introvert with a touch of social anxiety, I am also horrified. It sounds hellish.

I got a pixie a few years ago (it was drastic - my hair was down to my hips when I got it cut). I'm a larger lady myself. It was a wonderful experience! It didn't look that great on me, but it was fun to have and super easy to style (I saved SO MUCH MONEY on shampoo and conditioner!). I also started playing around

My 11-year old daughter loves the Undertaker, for some reason (I mean, I love him too, nostalgia and badassery and whatnot, but...Punk all the way for this mama). She has a "Hearse Parking Only" sign hanging up in her room, and asked for a 'Taker DVD for her birthday.

I have no tax advice, but that is a seriously adorable bunny.

I'm also firmly in the therapy camp. I don't have health insurance, but found a therapist who would see me at the bottom end of her sliding scale. It's still something of a sacrifice to pay for it even on the low end, but SOOO worth it. Seriously. I'd put my decision to go firmly in the "one of the best things I've

So, so cute!

Oh good God...I cannot even imagine how hard that must have been on them, on you and any siblings you might have...I am so sorry. And I really, really hope mine doesn't last that long.

Yes! I'm really settling into living alone for the first time in 10 years, and I'm not certain I'll be able to cohabitate with someone else down the road. But ask me again in year or so, my answer will probably be different (assuming I'm not still in the midst of this divorce, God forbid).

This made me laugh so hard, on a day I really needed it. Thank you!

I'm in the process of a ridiculously lengthy divorce (year and a half in!), and right now, at this moment, the idea of marrying again is horrifying. If I ever do, though, I want some sort of poor man's prenup - what's mine is mine, what's yours is yours. It's amazing how small stakes can be turned into huge issues

Yeeeeees. A guy I dated was the same! He started using it in restaurants, then he moved onto using it in movie theaters and, the last straw for me, in a museum. He was so proudly defiant, too, like he was daring people to give him shit for it. Drove me crazy.

David Wax Museum and Th' Legendary Shack Shakers are both on heavy rotation for me right now. "Night Was a Car" (David Wax Museum) is a great song, to name one.