
My 12 year old daughter received her second shot Monday. Her pediatrician's office suggested it when she was there getting other boosters. The nurse said they "highly recommend" it. I was on board already and actually had planned on asking about it if they hadn't offered it. If there is anything preventative I can do

I used to work at the front desk for a large, beach-front resort hotel, often taking the manager on duty spot in the evenings, and took the dumbest calls. There was one woman in particular who, while checking in, kept saying "This room is beach front, right? It looks right out onto the beach?". Asking the same

YES! I bought one of these to replace the swiffer dusters at home (I still keep the dollar generic version swiffer duster in my car, it's perfect there), and I've been thrilled.

I can vouch that this was the case for me. I did a year of CBT in the midst of a nasty divorce, and affirmations did nothing for me. Nothing. I felt silly, to be honest, although in the name of trying to feel better I tried everything my therapist suggested. And at least for my experience, their theory is absolutely

I have to contact people for work - customers order items from me, and I call them when their items arrive - and very often I have to leave voicemails, but a large percentage of people don't bother to check them. I cannot tell you how often I have called and left someone a voicemail that their order is in, and then

The guidance counselor at my daughter's school often ends up getting drafted as basketball coach for younger teams, because no one wants to volunteer to do it for younger grades - particularly 3rd and 4th grade teams. One year, the coach/guidance counselor couldn't make a game, and I was the only parent that responded

'Positive parenting' is what you do. Great example here. And let me just tell you, it is a hell of a lot harder to be kind and gentle than it is to shout a child into submission. It takes so much more patience and thought on the part of the parent.

YES. YES YES YES. People have said that to me a million times since my divorce. And I already have a couple of hobbies! I know people mean well when they say it, but that doesn't mean I don't want to just shake someone by the shoulders and be all "Then you can pay for it, and babysit my kids while I do it. No? Shut

Thank you for your perspective!

I absolutely agree, and I am saving. In a way it's good to hear that other people think his views on this are excessive, because I have thought so, too, but thought maybe I was overreacting. Thanks!

Yeah, I'm planning on bringing it up to my therapist when I go back again. Also, I love your name - the witches are my favorite from the Pratchett books!

I'm in therapy. He won't allow the kids to see a therapist (to force the issue I'd have to take him to mediation, and I can't afford that right now), and he won't go to therapy himself, so...it's just a rough situation all around. Luckily my therapist gives me a lot of ideas on how to help my kids, so that's a good

Thanks! That's what I thought, too, and have suggested it previously, but he isn't interested. I don't want to be insensitive to my ex's past, but I'm much more worried about my kids in this scenario. I have told them that not everyone feels the same way about this/has the same boundaries that their dad does, and

I have a delicate situation. My ex was molested as a young child. Since our divorce has developed some issues with affection toward and between our children. He tells them it's not appropriate for him to show them affection, and that it's not appropriate for them to show each other affection. He is affectionate with

I'm so glad you were able to get out of such a horrible situation. Thanks for your perspective!

My across the street neighbors got into a loud argument one day. I was trying to ignore the shouting but couldn't when it turned to screaming - she had run out of their home and into my yard, and he had chased her. Right on the other side of my front porch, the man was on his feet, hitting her (just punching and

Howdy. I'm 35, and recently divorced from a man I was married to for 10 years and together for a total of 15 years, so...yeah. I feel you. Dating has been so weird. I'm an introvert with a touch of social anxiety, so getting out and dating has been something I have literally had to make myself do.

I'm a leader too, and I agree. It's such a great organization. And I love how the girls start taking over as they progress through the ranks - being a junior leader is easily half the work of a daisy leader (except at cookie and nut time), because the girls have taken over at that point. Our council can be a little

I share 50/50 custody with my ex, and my childcare expenses would be much higher if I didn't. Would I love to see my kids more? Sure, who wouldn't. But then they would see their dad less, which is unfair to them and to their father.

Oh my gosh, this guy was FULL of bad puns like that! He would ask me what I was doing, and regardless of the answer he attempted to turn it into sexual innuendo. I could say "Making meat loaf" and he would be all "I'll loaf your meat, baby, yeah". "I'm at work" got a "I'll work you over, baby", "Reading" got "I'd like