UNC (grad) student here and I think we absolutely should get the death penalty. It is baffling. I think the NCAA is absurd and corrupt, but UNC (at least insofar as its athletics and certain departments) has been as well. I know at least some faculty here would not be sad to see the death penalty so that the school…
I will probably get roasted for even asking this, but I am legitimately curious because I follow baseball way more than basketball: is a triple-double more valuable in basketball than the Triple Crown in baseball?
Lede (emphasis mine):
Rex, is that you?
I don’t know how anyone who isn’t a UNC or Gonzaga fan could watch that game. I’m a UNC fan and was at a bar here in the Triangle, and it was unbearable. I said partway through the 2nd half that even if UNC somehow won, I wouldn’t enjoy it after the way that game had been going.
As a UNC fan, I can assure you that the game was not entertaining to watch. It was agony until the last 20 seconds. Shitty refs aside, Carolina’s shot choices and Roy’s classic refusal to call timeouts drove me nuts.
Fuck this state (I live in Durham, work in Chapel Hill) and fuck the NCAA for their weak sauce response. I was slightly impressed with their original stance last year, but they clearly didn’t have the courage of their convictions here.
The video seems to only come up as “not yet available” when it is played. Bad link or embed? Or my bad luck?
The pseudonymous Larry Website needs no such second-order rationalization of his Hinkie fandom.
I think it is less about the 2005 World Series and more that Marchman is really displeased with the way the White Sox handled their offseason, like trading Chris Sale.
Not sure where else to put this, but looks like GMG has joined the world of infinite scrolls, eh?
I snorted and laughed a lot of these, but one of the funniest parts became when you started trying to guess how the fuckup would happen. I couldn’t figure out how they would fuck up the onion, and all of a sudden, they are rubbing it all over their hands.
Fortunately, Lincicome didn’t plead for Glennon to Demonstrate Efficiency in the End Zone.
Service journalism at its finest. Thank you
I’m very sorry to hear that! Good luck, man.
What’s the spatial relationship between the two photos? Does the driveway turn left out of the top photo?
A billion years isn’t even that much! Head out to the Rocky Mountain west and there are lots of 1.4 billion- and 1.8 billion-year-old rocks. Up in the Canadian Shield they are even older. And that’s just North America!
This is a good blog. I saw that same comment earlier and was hoping you guys would bring it to wider attention.