
And they don’t much care for professionals in the minor leagues, either. Time and again they have bargained away minor leaguers’ rights even though they aren’t union members.

I am here for the Pluto truthers


I tried Pocket! I had the app and the little Chrome add-on, and added all sorts of things to it. And I never read anything in Pocket, not once.

This is the truest thing ever written on Adequate Man. I sit here with 5 windows of tabs, sort of organized, sort of not, wondering if and when I will get around to reading about What TV Antiheroes Can Learn From ‘BoJack Horseman’, or asking myself, Have Smarphones Destroyed a Generation?

Our former friend Kevin Draper

Ah yes, lots of mocking Geno and praise for Enemkpali, who punched him, here.

Is it just me, or does the new MLB.tv embedded video player suck?

Can’t anyone just pick him up for the major league minimum, now that he’s released? I think other teams would have been responsible for his contract if they had claimed him after the DFA.

They are stunts where the parents learn the sex of their baby in a performative, attention-seeking way.

I also tried a few different spots. I got 417' in the triangle, but I also think aerial measurements to tall walls are probably going to be less accurate depending on the angle at which the image was taken.

Yeah, I got 306' just now.

I measured the distance from home plate to Pesky’s Pole in both Google Maps and Google Earth (screenshot attached) and came up with ~300.5 feet both times. I feel pretty good about that number because other known distances I tried (like home to 2nd) came out accurately. Given the crudeness of the method, it’s possible

Now playing

Have not listened to the pod yet, but am VERY interested. I’m 30 now and started noticing a little dribbling after peeing around when I was in college. I was horrified it was happening, and it was a huge relief to learn that it was enough of a thing for guys that it became a plot point on The League. Dribbling is

Sorry to ask a follow-up: which take is good? The Kinja Q&A threading doesn’t make clear which take you are replying to.

When I was a server we were directed to enter whatever amount was in the “total” line, because that is what they are agreeing to pay. If they did the math poorly and inadvertently left me with a shittier tip for it, that sucks for me. But if I tried to take the higher tip amount, leading to a total different than what

Now playing

Glad you didn’t succumb to the desire to call that slow pitch an eephus, Samer. An eephus has got to go over the head of the batter at least:

I’m surprised anyone could even see it in front of them.

I agree about the socks, too! Everything is terrible.