
‘Brutally challenging” is a bit of a stretch. If Cuphead is brutally challenging, how do you describe something like Deatshmiles that is actually brutally challenging?

‘Brutally challenging” is a bit of a stretch. If Cuphead is brutally challenging, how do you describe something like

Maybe he just wanted to have fun more than he wanted to win?

Random: Tempest came out 20 years ago on Thursday. Fuck!

I can’t justify $7.99 for any of these games on Xbox. I’d like to play most of them but $160 for the 20 available is nuts. Waiting for a bundle or sale. Patiently.

This guy is a freak. He appeared on the competitive guitar hero scene (scorehero.com) back in 2009 out of nowhere and started getting 100%s on songs that nobody else had at the time (Misirlou on GH2 and then TTFAF on GH3) It was crazy. I haven’t heard his name in several years.

Do you not like the souls games or did you honestly think Dark Souls 3 wasn’t good?

So you must have just completely skipped Dark souls 3?