
Much like most multiplayer games in 2018, it’s capable of being as good as the end-user wants to put the work in to make it. Discord and the like are really game-changers since it allows users to make a dedicated community for a game that may not have resources to implement the framework themselves. Obviously, this

I added a link to the publisher page thanks to your simultaneously helpful and obnoxious comment. Enjoy the game.

Dan will remember that.

Not all content is made equal. I felt that DAI disrespected my time with filler stuff that didn’t really make an impact or even represent what the game was ‘about.’ I’m playing dozens of hours of Zelda, but the game is packed with mysteries / charm, so it doesn’t feel like a waste of my time - I am still discovering

Timelines you say.

Sounds like they’re trying to Switch it up.


You need at least two stars in Science to pull that claim off :D

I would argue that many of these gripes are actually done to deliberately feel old and archaic. A full on satellite image or a nice 3d color map wouldn’t make sense in that Fallout world. Hell, computers in 2077 still used vacuum tubes and had monochrome screens with physical switches. It’s supposed to feel clunky

Just figured out how to spin the camera.