
I second this post. It keeps me from spending a lot of time trying to inform myself.

Your comment is giving me an identity crisis.

According to the Wiki article he posted, that's because the Chinese captured some in Africa and brought them back to be used as proof of the existence of the Kirin, and thereby the leader's powers.

Considering all the other bull the North Koreans are fed, this probably wouldn't even excite them after hearing the tales of their godly leader and his perfect golf game.

LEGO really is great about contests. I'm an Assistant Director at the local public library, and they had a contest to see which libraries could get the most votes on their site. For a little county, we did pretty well and placed around 250th. They sent us two big boxes of LEGOs and some books to go along with them.

Obligatory Duck Dynasty meme for anything involving Star Trek this week.

I do not disagree. But we're just not hip enough to understand.

What kind of style do you have in mind? Etsy has tons of homemade stuff that you could probably buy to keep from making decorations yourself.

Yeah, he said it goes beyond assembly.

This is true. I'm happy to have seen a day where America has to worry about this problem again. You're right, though. We can't let quality go for quantity.

I have been trying my damnedest to buy quality (in this order) American, Canadian and European made goods for the past year or so. Apple already had my business, but I'm a happier customer today. Thank you, Mr. Cook.

Applause. This guy is clearly out of touch with the world today. +1 to you, BlackCat40.

Thank you! Loads of great advice coming from you. I appreciate it.

Thanks for the tip on 750words.com. I've signed up and look forward to trying it tonight.

I completely agree with making small goals. They are much easier to achieve, and they add up over the long term. I've managed to give up drinking sodas through it, and I'm starting to apply it towards exercising. Instead of saying "Oh, I want to gain 5 pounds in muscle" I'm going to say "I want to do x number of

My thoughts exactly. iPods, MacBooks...all the same.

I really hope the New York Times and Washington Post run with this. There is no better sound than that of an Evangelical asshole's world collapsing around him.

Except people are still buying watches. If you consider people who wear watches to be in a niche, I don't know what to tell you. Certainly kids may prefer cell phones (I did), but when I hit my early 20s I realized I looked silly relying on my iPhone all the time. And now I'm hooked on watches for design purposes.

It's the new Siri and Antennagate. They are going to write about this for the next year. Unfortunately, Maps is working just fine for me, so there is a lot of eye rolling coming from my direction.

Google maps did not supply me with turn-by-turn. This does. That's all I need. If they iron out the rest later, even better.