
People aren't very upset. But Giz needs something to criticize Apple on so it doesn't appear biased.

With the iPhone 5, I am stepping away from cases for good. I bought a case for my 4S last October, and I would again, but the phone has acquired minor scratches on the aluminum from taking the phone out of the case for cleaning. I plan on selling it when my renewal is available, but I certainly can't claim it is "like

Both my wife and I are fairly impressed with it thus far. It may not be as good as Google Maps yet, but it suits our needs just fine.

Because Facebook is a platform for communication. Do I really have to outline that, or are you just trolling?

I can empathize here. There are certain people you cannot escape. Relatives are the most likely to fall under that category, and I can't imagine a worse scenario than it being your boss, though it does happen.

No, Facebook is just a tool people use. Your circle of "friends" will determine what you get out of it.

Hence your bandwagon jumpers comment. Yeah, they tick me off, too. If I vaguely care about sports for most of the year, I should only vaguely care that my team lost in the championship.

Exactly, a spammer is a spammer—election year or not.

While I won't criticize anyone for going this route, I think it is worse in the long run if we all simply pretend that our differences don't exist just out of a desire to keep our current friendships intact. With a two party system like America's, a person's political affiliation says a lot about them. Being able to


I'm with you, but shhhh. You will stir the masses.


Thank you! I appreciate that.

First of all, these are fantastic renders. Good job to the creator.

Do you sometimes wish you could hold your television? Well, wish no more!

Exactly. This is just Giz trying to get a rise out of the self repair crowd. If I was Apple, those people would not be my main target.

I agree with this, and it's one of the reasons I decided to make the jump from Sony and Motorola products to Apple products. I would get scrap parts for my old 2008 Vaio, but I will get something when I choose to upgrade my iPhone and base Fall 2011 MacBook Pro 15".

I'm facepalming all over the place at everyone complaining over the price. People with money can enjoy this now, but everyone else will enjoy these features in a few years.

I didn't even read your comment, just skimmed it and saw the words "butt hurt".

I disagree with most of the above list. Most people lead an exceptionally average life. If you aren't excited enough to make a status update about being engaged, you're just mostly dead inside. Or you've been married more than once.