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    The fourth season was perhaps the best season of the series. It certainly had the strongest single run of consecutive episodes with "Right Place, Right Time", "As Fast as She Can", and "The Leap". So I don't see how the fourth season can be excluded from the "watchable" list of seasons, much less the "great" list of

    13 episodes for this season. No word yet on whether the season is supposed to stand alone or if the story is supposed to last beyond the first season (though the creators have talked about only wanting to tell the Arctic base story over the course of 13 days).

    Since Hatake is able to command the vectors to some extent, perhaps he told them to chase her. Alternatively, maybe they have to be so close to Julia before they can tell that she's already infected since she's not a vector.

    I thought that maybe Hatake cloned Julia, and his daughter was the clone. Then when his daughter died, he wanted to bring Julia back to clone her again.

    For me it was the fact that Troy has essentially been given a death sentence. There's no way he can complete his task of sailing around the world all alone. He has no money for supplies, probably has no passport, knowledge of other languages/cultures in order to dock anywhere, and he only has one mini-course's worth

    She could have lost or accidentally destroyed her old one from Season 3.

    I had it spoiled for me who was in the coffin in Lost. That definitely affected my enjoyment of the Season 4 finale.

    Well, there was no mention of religion in the first two episodes of Helix, and yet there were mentions of religion in the first two episodes of BSG, so chances are good that your fears are unfounded.

    No, they look pretty similar in age.

    I feel like it's a mixture of trying to propagate the disease and simply being tossed out into the snow by the facility staff when they heard the CDC were coming so that all the monkeys would die off quickly and be hidden from them.

    Yeah, it's strange that Hannibal got lumped in with the "painful writing" crop of shows considering 1) it's also an NBC show, and 2) its writing is usually excellent. I felt that was really uncharacteristic of Abed to think that show was poor quality.

    I watched from the beginning as well. I just had such low expectations for the season that it managed to stay healthily above them until the final sequence of the finale.

    I disagree with a lot of these (I agree with several too, but the disagreements stick out to me more). Zero Hour wasn't good, but it wasn't really bad either. It fell somewhere in the guilty pleasure realm. And it did have some really interesting, novel ideas in its plot, surprisingly enough.