
They function really well, until a bad crash happens. These open vertically, imagine how difficult it would be to have the car split after a blown motor, it rotates on it’s side, and slides to rest against the wall with the cockpit wedged in, so the door can’t open. Then what?

If it was as easy as you seem to think, it would already have been done. There are massive technical challenges involved. Aside from fogging and oil/dirt build up on the windshield, crashes prevent the largest source of problems. There is the scenario where a car is upside down and on fire, rare: yes, not impossible.

No one is discussing how drivers are going to get out of flipped cars with closed cockpits. Especially when those cars are on fire. I’m right there with the “screw tradition” crowd. F1 is already about as non-traditional as it gets. But I think there’s still a serious safety concern with fully closed cockpits.

I don’t know how many more times it must be said, but no ammount of head protection would have prevented Bianchi’s death. Stop asking for something that doesn’t actually fix the problem you are complaining about.

When is Formula 2/GP2, GP3, World Series Used-To-Be-Renault, Star Mazda, Formula Mazda, Formula Vee, Formula Atlantic, Formula SCCA, Formula Continental, Formula 1000, Formula 500/600, Formula Ford, Formula Nippon, Super Formula, Formula 3, Formula 4, Spec Racer Ford, SCCA Prototype 1/2, Formula E, IndyCar, and Indy

You think there’s enough market base to support a volume company like Uber if you exclude the 20 largest cities in the U.S.? Without those big city economics, Uber doesn’t exist in the first place.

Yeah, but I see labor as no different than any commodity. And the price of labor responds to market forces in exactly the same way... when not fixed by governments or unions. Taxi companies are one of the most clear cut cases of a privileged/subsidized industry that KNOWS it cannot compete in an open market so fights

I’d be a little more sympathetic to “taxi cab laws” if they weren’t leveraged to create artificial oligopolies that stifle competition in the marketplace.

I’d be more sympathetic to that argument if so many of the current laws are some version of “you can’t start a new taxi company to compete with existing taxi companies” If it wasn’t for that sort of thing, there wouldn’t be an uber.

a turbo mirage?? bringing back the colt?? a new GTO?? a track version of the CAMRY??

It’s not racing. It’s like freestyle motocross or BMX or Skateboarding. It’s got some of the craziest car builds out there right now. Insane nitrous-fed V8s, 2JZ’s turbo-ed into oblivious, the occasional 800+hp 4 cylinder, and everything in between. It’s not racing. The goal isn’t to get to the finish line first, it’s

You know of course, that you and I are both going to get bricks thrown at us for that, and here they come in 3...2...1...DUCK!!!

Not considered: David Tracey’s Jeep. Right now its averaging about $9k every 20 miles.

Gas engines are not going away any time soon. Hybrids will become commonplace before straight electric. While an electric motor is far simpler than a gas powered engine, a Hybrid is even more complicated than simply adding the complication of each technology.

I wouldn’t call it “desperate to catch up” necessarily.

The trend will change when gas goes back up to $4/gallon, and it will.

What do you do about rural areas if you’re taking the “fuck roads” approach?

I know he’ll be okay, but I wish he would not go out there all half-cocked like he is. He’s so hell-bent on surging towards disappointment that it makes me wince.

Jalopnik HOW-TO: Connecting a Tow Bar to Your 2017 Ford Raptor 

Everyone (including myself) loves to give you shit for this project, but props for getting it going and actually undertaking this epic roadtrip in an epic shitbox. True Jalop spirit.

Yeah, but then you will own a Buick.