
They also make the VAG-executive playset. Pretend you’re in charge of developing diesel powerplants for a major international auto group!

Claire Williams should be in Russia this upcoming week to bring Daniil on board (of course pending Martini’s blessing).

Sees picture of wonderful vintage Ferraris. Immediately spots Esprit.

Increasing margins and efficiency needs to start on this side of the pond with the way their manufacturing facilities are essentially fiefdoms run by junior highschoolers and not with a small motorsports program budget cut.

Should’ve been, “The Kessel Run”

Me too. I loved her so much. I’m so glad I had the chance to see her perform, she was remarkable. I wanted her to win her fight so badly.


I don’t see them getting Werlein, he’s good, but really needs to prove him self in a mid pack team. They should take Ocon first

The winner gave a good response too to a question about the Paris Climate Agreement, saying it was wrong for the US to have pulled out given the evidence we have about climate change.

You missed one:

And then the British electricians hooked up the wiring harness without a multimeter.

I’d just like to note that Lieutenant Chris Wetter is much better than his predecessor Lieutenant Chris Wet.

That’s what you get for buying the sedan version of the Focus.

I love this game.