Whether you’re visiting Ivalice for the first time or you’re already an expert at being Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg…
The fencing game sequel arrives next month with a bigger, more detailed art style, including a beautiful recreation…
Trevor Fraley is a freelance artist and illustrator who has worked in both games and books.
From time to time, I’ll make a stunt out of my interviews with video game professionals. I’ll do this when they’re…
In The City. Nagoya, Japan. By Ben Lo.
Daniel Romanovsky works at Form Language Studio, a company that specialises in art for games, TV and movies (like Kon…
One of the strangest features in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, which comes out today, is called the gambit…
Anime Expo, held earlier this month in LA, is the biggest anime convention in the US, attracting over 100,000 people.…
Say what you will about the new Ghost in the Shell as a movie, one thing I think we can all agree on is that it…
I know the Switch is a portable console in theory, but it feels so precious in the hand. This custom handheld, on…
In the wake of Breath of the Wild turning out to be one of the greatest video games ever made, I have some bad news…
Abner Marin is a digital sculptor who has worked not just in games, but some of the biggest movies of the last…
Resident Evil 7 is my current gaming obsession. I’ve been blasting the heads of monsters and bravely running away…
Tokyo Big Sight. Tokyo, Japan. By Jon Cousins.
The developer of Yandere Simulator, a game about a sociopathic high school girl who murders her classmates, is…
Earlier this month, the official PlayStation YouTube account uploaded a trailer for a game called “Life of Black…
Here, after much deliberation, is a collection of the best concept art from video games released in 2016.
Paintings in video games are like toilets: they don’t do much, but you notice if they aren’t there. They make a…