
My '70 and 72' Squarebacks didn't come with seat-belts...I installed them in the '72 because some law went in to effect in CA. I used the installation of belts as a back story I wrote in article about the new seat belt law in my high school newspaper.

"He moved the cube in two of the first six sessions (sessions 1 & 4), but never towards the food."

Takeshi Kovacs and Severian

Did you read the article?

if it were a dark forest green it would be cool by me...lime not so much

Wasn't that a poster that was commissioned and came in a Dead Kennedy's album?...I believe it's called Penis Landscape...

I got a chance to play in them twice in Chicago during a stops for CES. I don't remember being wowed but it was cool enough to play a second time.

more like toss one off yourself if you cant pay....

I was hoping there was one story on the list I actually read...I am aware of We 3 and have peeped Tank Girl...but yea for Mrs. Frisby!

So glad I was there when these hit the stands...I didn't collect Thor at the time, but when I saw the cover for #337, I was intrigued and Thor became a part of my monthly books collection. Simonson reminded me of Sienkiewicz in a way and enjoyed both of their art immensely...

Torture Museum in Amsterdam...

pure joy in any form is an awesome thing...

yeah live trace is what i thought to...

Well the headline is certainly troll worthy...and since this is the interwebs...what did you expect? Complete adoration and fawning?

For whatever reason the only thing I always remember from this movie is the name of the bad guy - Darrel Revok...

Frank Kozik...not Koniz

I really like that smock he's wearing.

expect it to go up...cost of cotton has skyrocketed...I screen shirts, buy in modest bulk, I use to pay 4.50 for a really nice organic cotton shirt...6 months later they're up to 7.90.

Farley FTW

Elektra would have been a perfect subject for this...