very...but then again he is the high water mark of this style...
very...but then again he is the high water mark of this style...
Slake Moths from Perdido Street Station would be a lot more fun...
No, that's not even close to how it would look...I bet this guy used Google Earth as his reference...the city would be way farther in the distance...and the sign on the hill is on a much smaller hill just south of San Bruno Mtn...but in the Google Earth version you can't tell all looks like one mountain...
I groaned in agony when I heard they were making the remake...I saw this a few times in the theaters when it came out...I really dig the original. When I saw the trailer I was surprisingly kind of excited...This coming from a guy who makes the "Hollywood can't come up with new ideas" rant quite a bit...
Turns out the guy who did this doesn't know Dr. Who very well and did the best he could with the knowledge he had...
There is a miniature Tardis...
That sounds like a weird version of Blondie's Dreaming...
no the report of the faking was a faking itself...
Willingham FTW!!! His D&D and Elementals illustrations were always some of my favorite.
I'm sorry, Ray. I'm afraid I can't do that...
Check out the zombies in Left for Dead (the video game)...they are not of the Romero undead classification...these guys run and jump like an goddamn Olympic team...First time I played and 100 zombies come flying over a wall at you like you stole their lunch money, made my sphincter squeal a bit...shit load of fun!
Buick Rivera - Thunderbolt & Lightfoot
...and I have to admit that when I started reading it I didn't like the arc that has his wife named Laura being this time in my life I had just proposed to my girlfriend named Laura, now my wife...some of you may or may not get this but it was to negative for me...didn't care for that energy...
I'm with you...I didn't finish American Gods cause I thought it was too juvenile...
cept now that I am a father of a daughter the line "gonna take your daughter out tonight..." just got me scared...
I smell crosspost with IO9
yeah that 8 minute window isn't much time...I think in the cases like this we just deal with the interruptions...Something bigger or stronger I just don't see what we could do...other than stay inside...