
from article above "...and possibly an aurora at high latitudes. "

There is nothing we can do.

I didn't have the ability like she did, but she definitely opened my mind to lots of unseen things and I feel like I gained some of that from her but nowhere as powerful...She did turn me on to Siddhartha, which change my life in a positive way.

I had dated a girl who had the 6th sense (or whatever you call it) and I could not hide anything from her...could be I showed physical signs or the tone of my voice, but no other girl I dated ever called me on them like this one did...A few times she called me up and asked what was wrong before I said a word...it was

Ouch...I guess that's the first time someone has compared me to their Dad...I'm only in my early 40's, but do have a kid and another cooking up for October...Does your Dad yell at the neighborhood kids? I am going to be that guy I already know...

I guess I should qualify my movie habits a little...I go to the theater maybe once a year or two - I can't stand the movie going audiences in my community (teenagers mainly), the price and parking...So I usually watch my movies at home on my big screen (BluRay, DVD, Netflix and Vudu)...The last movie I wanted to see

X3 was enough to keep me away...same reason I didn't even bother with Wolverine...and I don't see these as even being Netflix streamers in the next 10 years...

Lead image is one of my all-time favorite covers on any comic especially X-Men. I started collecting and reading just before that Sentinel series started...The other X-Men cover that rocked me was the Paul Smith drafted Kitty Pride coming through the wall..Paul Smith was awesome...too bad he didn't hang around...His

I'm an graphic illustration major with pretty decent reading comprehension (tested at college reading levels) but absolutely zero math skills...the stuff in Crypto and the astronomy class (algebraic formulas to figure out something of something) was like an alien language (not foreign language as I can understand some

I took a train from Bremen to Amsterdam - On the way out....they had the fields for the black cows....They had the fields for the white cows...They had the fields for the black and white cows...They had the fields for the brown cows...They had the fields for the black, white and brown cows...then you cross into the

I had no choice with Crypto...I just finished an astronomy class...got a B-....Man if I had any math/algebra skills what so ever I could have easily gotten into the A range...That pre-algebra class that I have been putting off for 25 years (literally 25 years!) is looming closer and closer...

Can I gloss over the formulas and problems that he presents in the story? That must have saved me a good 30 pages in Crypto...

yes...and I was waiting for the rest of them to show...re-read headline and was sad...

All you haters eat my shit...VW for life!!!

had this on my wall for at least part of the 80's...shes is a little horsey now that I look at her....

The first covers of the original TMNT comics were homages to Frank Miller's Ronin...And in the first story, the radioactive isotope that blinds Matt Murdoch (aka Daredevil) falls into the sewer and gives the turtles their power...

The CGI characters that are used in the reboot of Willy Wonka are freaking creepy...There is a scene where they show Augustus up close and it is so freaking creepy and terrible that I stopped watching the movie...well there were more reasons to stop watching it...but thats when I shut it off...

I didn't know who she was, but I totally recognize her signature on her paintings...she did a lot of movie poster as well...no?

gives a new meaning to "The Stranger"...

$60 (not including shipping) vs. Free