
Someone should give that designer a job!

best porn I have seen this month...

When he falls the first time. he twists his ankle under himself...He either sprained it or tore something...thats what he is tripping on besides the fact that hes been pulled over...the rest of the behavior doesn't look drunk or stoned or a combo of both....something else.

I saw this on APOD earlier, turned it off half way...acid flashback effects FTL!!!

cool as eff...

Mars For Martians!!! Go Home Filthy Earthicans!!!

I'm going to disagree Chip...not part of my tribe...My background is 13+ years in the video game industry...And we know what he thinks about video games...yeah, not my tribe...I know what your saying though...I was part of teams that worked on Genesis games and I remember everyone saying wait till you can play against

Roger didn't predict this...Lots of people saw the potential of what was coming...he just parroted something he had heard from somewhere else...

Did you just get Rebecca Rolled?

Now I get it...a bunch of fanboyz have jumped over here to spoil...That makes me feel better, cause I really liked it here...Well I am sure the overlords here are happy at the rise in membership, I know I would...maybe some of them will stay and be nice...

The thing that sucks about this is I thought I was part of a pretty cool knowledgeable community here at IO9...guess not. Not really butt-hurt about it, it is just a opinion poll but I expected better from you guys...If Serenity beats Empire, then I know I don't belong here...

I could see how Serentiy could beat ET & BTTF (both Shiny Happy Hollywood fare)...It shouldn't have got past Terminator IMO...

I love Serenity...but it has no business being this far in...Even the theatrical release of BR is way better...

Great gift for all your children

Old Glory Robot Insurance

ha ha...I used to live on 18th and Potrero and late at night we would see how far a single golf ball could bounce down 18th across Potrero towards the Mission...most of the time they would end up under a car on a curb a few blocks down...One night we got one to bounce all the way to the PG&E substation at Harrison...

I saw vampire at first...

good basics...I am a traditional trained artist with tons of PS experience (for web and graphics)...I only recently began to meld the two with the purchase of my Wacom...I am mostly self taught in the digital painting realm...I picked up a few tips here that I will need to try...