
#5 - Thomas the Tank Engine

Peter North used to keep his socks on.

Ok that makes more sense to me...I was being too literal with the single moment in time. I get the threshold in time spanning years.

But didn't those take time to really happen?...I'm getting confused a little...the article describes a point or moment in time...so would it be the very first moment of the industrial revolution or information age (like a discovery of some sort) that led to these new eras? I keep thinking of Wright Bros

So what/when was the last singularity? Has there been one yet?

My guess is the number one topic will be the redesign...hope not.

What a bunch of crybabies...

Hmmm...Nurburgring seems smaller at this angle.

We called it "pop" when I lived in Colorado..."soda" when in SF Bay Area...Pop is sooo mid western.

Ahhh Cutless Ciera...vehicle of my teenage youth...pot runs, burnouts on school grass, hit by a mini-truck and after prom sex...

I knew I should have taken Bean-O...sorry guys.

soft white underbelly FTW

We did this assignment in photo class years ago.

I'm stoned and that was cool.

GTI and Bug will get you laid on a first date...maybe you're not hot like me.

@LandersDip: I actully had two people say to me this weekend that my hair was big...including my wife.

I know everyone hated this and I haven't seen it in a while but Hardware takes place in one room IIRC.