
These are the lines, forms and chrome that got me into cars in the first place...yeah I'm a VW guy for the most part...but I love Detroit iron as well...

Funny was at Metreon last night...its so dead since Sony moved out...Lots of conventioneers though, but I bet they go home today...There is a really neat photography exhibit next to Jillians...check it out.

@dbg2950: well considering it's probably not Thai weed...Columbian or Mexican most likely...I like the sound of pot logs...Now if they made them like Duraflames I'd be set...'cept I dont have a fireplace...

@Fordari: Well thank goodness I don't wear Puma Racing shoes...just regular Pumas...

@FoxCMK: Not true...I only look never post...

@Whack-A-mole: I feel bad Stockton didn't get a ring...Malone not so much...

@coolhandnoob: Was Master of Puppets tour Metallica...

I have this is a box somewhere...

7 Series V12 on industrial parkway, stomped on the gas and got it over 120 then got scared

Why hasn't someone killed Bay yet? Talk about destroying our countries values...

I remember the last one...I have that in a box somewhere...They way over used that "apartment" font in Spidey and Daredevil in the early 80's...probably most Marvels used it...

you all have a crack problem...

Early on there were sounds that sounded like my phone...I kept reaching for it, but no one was there...I felt awash in the time space thingy...it was good.